damon attore the vampire diaries

So he and his pal Henry, round up deserters — and they end up shooting all of them. When she kisses him, he pulls back and it's not just for a second. In We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes, Damon arrives at the Gilbert house after Elena called him, though he wonders why she asked him to come and not Stefan. When she hangs up, Katherine assesses that Damon would never put Elena in harms way again after nearly killing her so he must have known that its Katherine. Sybil tells everyone that no one has asked her what she wants. In Unpleasantville, Damon is first seen rummaging through the Salvatore library, where Stefan confronts Damon for taking Elena to Georgia. In The Downward Spiral, him and Kai are at The Salvatore Crypt. Damon continues to toy with Katherine but is stopped by Nadia by snapping his neck. He turns his humanity back on and hugs his mother with tears in his eyes. Klaus, meanwhile, freaked out after Kol called him and asked Damon what Stefan and Elena were planning. When Bonnie does the spell to send the ghosts back, Mason disappears, and Damon is in need of a person to get into the cave. In the series, Damon can control a crow and the mist but they were removed from the plot after the pilot. She doesn't see any point in getting better if she's alone. Finally, they're on the same page. Stefan is upset at Damon for not telling him about the cure, but they pause their argument to find Lily. First seen Liz calls Elena and Jeremy, but Elena is too stoned to answer. He makes Bonnie breakfast and the two smile at each other, leaving it unknown where they are. They share a flirtatious smile and the conversation soon becomes awkward when Damon mentions Enzo. Alaric had found the cure in Silas' pocket and gave it to Damon. When the Salvatores stepped in, Damon noted that under other circumstances, Elena fighting another chick would be a major turn on. Then, Damon talks to Klaus that he has no idea if Stefan is really going to kill Elena and advises Klaus to obey. Damon goes back to where they left Stefan's body only to find it gone. But I know he's wrong, because peace exists. As of Season Eight's I Was Feeling Epic, Bonnie managed to break the spell, allowing Elena to wake up, while not killing herself in the process due to the spell, and Damon being able to reunite with her. Stefan calls Damon to warn him not to take the cure because their mom is on the loose. He cured her from a congenital heart defect, which is why Megan had a picture of Grayson Gilbert in her phone. Stefan tells Damon he isn't afraid of him when he goes to attack him. Elena lashes out at Damon for being so selfish and leaves. He starts to questions her voicemail about why she took Stefan's body when he sees "Stefan" walking toward him. Enzo wakes up in a lab. For vampire standards, he is a relatively young non-Original vampire to appear in the series, along with his younger brother Stefan. In the morning, the group had to split up: Bonnie wanted to stay behind and try a locator spell, Shane wanted to stay with her, and Damon wanted to stay with Shane. Kai tries to convince them that he is on their team. Elena manages to stop the witch before Damon is killed. Thanks to them, Elena got her humanity back. Damon arrives at Bonnie's dorm. 22-nov-2018 - Is it me or did Damon get more peeved off as the seasons went on. Damon accuses of Stefan of being on Lily's side, to which Stefan responds that because Damon can't be with Elena, he makes all of his bad decisions about her. Damon, who has shaken off his stab wound from Silas, is in the woods searching for his younger brother. She says the spirits won't let her do that kind of magic to break the curse, but she suggests that Shane might be able to help. Damon tells Elena that she looks stunning. Rose gets a call from Slater, who tells her she needs the moonstone to lift the curse, and a witch to figure the rest out. Smoke starts coming out of the well. Jeremy, Matt, and Damon showing up at a bar littered with patrons Klaus had in transition to become vampires. Damon and Stefan find Aaron Whitmore and Damon tells Aaron to call his uncle to get Elena back, or Wes gets to try to reattach Aaron's arms. She worries that Damon is behind Elena's parents' death, too, but he promises he's not. He assumed Damon wouldn't kill him because then Bonnie would die when she did the spell to access the cure. Ultimately, it's Damon who chops the vampire's head off. Rebekah recapped what everyone brings to the table including Elena (nothing) and Damon ("nice behind"). The Mystic Grill is still standing despite the fact Damon blew it up an hour ago. And to save Mystic Falls from hellfire. He convinces Damon and Elena that Liv will help them protect Elena from the travelers. That finally does the trick as the emotionless vamp is overcome with tears. Damon bit her neck and she begged him: She said Silas would need all of her blood and she didn't want to die. 4.3 out of 5 stars 51. However they both gaze at each other longingly and Damon then kisses Elena to which she reciprocates. Julian tells his goons to drag Stefan out of the room, and Damon gets on with the fight. Nandi explains that her mother had used Damon to access the power left behind by the sacrifice in order to practice a brand of magic called Expression. Mason confesses that he's not after revenge, but redemption, and that he wants to help Tyler. Overwhelmed by emotions, Damon starts sobbing and apologizes to her saying that he missed his mother when he needed her the most and how angry he has been at himself for not bidding her goodbye the way she deserved in the last two chances. Enzo manages to trap both Stefan and Damon inside the shed by attacking them. Stefan only remembers her as an angel. She's worried about Enzo so he needs to stop trying so hard. When Elena arrives, the two of them talk in the kitchen, and Damon questions the absence of Stefan. Damon tells him to come back to the studio. She gets woozy and starts remembering her erased memories of Damon. Their moment is interrupted by Nadia who explains she has found a way to save her mother. Elena is sure Jeremy's not a cheater. He also asks Matt where he can get a buzzsaw. After getting the information he wants, he says bye to Damon, pats Jeremy on the back, and then heads to Salvatore Boarding House. His first victim is the local pizza delivery girl. As Bonnie recites the spell, Kai arrives and watches Damon, Elena, Lily and Bonnie disappear out of the prison world. He's at the bar at the end of the episode, admitting to Alaric that he lied about Isobel. Markos explains that as the spell will unravel spirit magic, vampires will continue to die as they were supposed to die as humans. Damon encourages him to stay alive by sitting back, relaxing, and finding his happy place. When the water had vervain in it, he knew he'd hit the jackpot. He tries to give him blood, but Stefan refuses, not wanting to share with Katherine. Before parting ways Damon tells Elena not to risk her life in saving Katherine as she is not even worth a hair on Elena's head and then they kiss. They end up killing him and having a moderately deep conversation about searching for their ex-lovers. Elena tells him Damon was the reason they broke up, and he is clearly surprised. He even leaves his glass full of blood behind and sarcastically runs back to get it, smirking. Damon and Kai arrive at the the rave where Kai sees Bonnie. Elena calls Damon in a panic, she can't tell what's real anymore. Alaric replies "Do you honestly think I'd leave Damon in charge and never look back?" Rayna calls with more leads. This shows his ability for planning and forethought, and certainly the patience to wait one hundred and forty-five years for the necessary comet to return. Elena is disgusted and asks when the last one was. Damon starts feeding from her and Stefan tries to get Damon to stop. Damon laughs and says "Good to see you too, buddy." Nadia is also there telling the Salvatore brothers she wants her mother's corpse. He tells him that Sybil has LoJacked his brain and when he tries to form the words to tell Stefan it just comes out as "applesauce penguin." When Alaric asks about Jenna, he gives him a sad look and a genuine apology. "Sounds like fun," Elena said, not yet wearing the towel she had with it. Damon later burns the last Everlasting, connected to Bonnie's huntress side, and this cured Bonnie of the vampire huntress curse. Later, Damon waits to meet Bonnie and Shane in Alaric's old classroom, where, alone for a moment, he reminisces about his friend. Bonnie asks. Damon resents Stefan for suggesting it and wants to dismiss it completely, but Stefan only asks that Damon test the theory by asking Elena to try drinking from a blood bag again, and to emphasize that it would make Damon happy if she did. Damon manages to get up and comes after him, but Kai cracks all the bourbon bottles with the umbrella, shattering their vervain-laced contents all over Damon. But Damon knew it wasn't. Tyler tells him to do what he needs to do to get his life back so he's not the slave to some siren bitch. In Rescue Me, Elena and Damon stay woken up for 3 hours without saying anything after their night together, post break up. He accuses Elena of killing Megan and possibly of killing his parents. What Shane means is that after his son died in a car accident, his witch wife tried to resurrect him with Expression. As Stefan tries comforting and explaining to him that all of it was hell faux, he loses it completely and goes on an attacking spree over Stefan, Caroline, Matt & Bonnie, killing them all. In Season Five, he discovers Enzo's undead status and they become friends once again however once "Elena" breaks up with him, he puts an end to his diabolical plan against the Whitmore Family and is then injected with a dangerous compound by Wes Maxfield, causing him to become an Augustine Vampire and the only one in existence. Damon tells him to get on it and hands him two sealed envelopes. Stefan puts himself in the middle, pushing them apart. He takes a cup of lemonade from a little girl, but is shocked to learn that it's been spike with Vervain. So he decided to rip off his arms. They find John at the grill, where he's interrupting Jenna's date with Alaric. Damon tells her she's out of luck. The fates of Damon and Bonnie are left unknown at the end of the episode. Later, he talks to Stefan about Elena's disappearance. In Pilot, Damon claims his first two victims at the very opening of the episode but makes his presence known in a more theatrical way by attacking Vicki Donovan in the woods. Decked out in costumes like the other party-goers, Damon and Elena have no trouble blending in and feeding at their leisure. Elena smiles slightly to herself and playfully asks if he is still mad at her. He is convinced that killing Caroline is the only thing they can do, and, locating her by the dead body of her newest victim, he attempts to stake her. "Why don't you tell her to calm down, Damon. When Stefan looks back Damon is gone and Enzo mouths the word "go" to Stefan, showing he still has his humanity. Later, the boys showed up in the Pennsylvania town, and Damon again insisted that he's over vampire Elena and wants to do whatever it takes to get her home and to take the cure. Stefan questions Damon again about Isobel, and this time Damon realizes that someone else must want to know. Damon tells that he's the one who set Lou on fire. Fans of The Vampire Diaries likely can't imagine anyone other than Ian Somerhalder as Damon Salvatore, but several actors almost played the role. However, Damon tells Caroline that he has never heard that vampire blood can cure cancer. The vampire diaries. Outside, after skirting around the issue, Damon accuses Shane of convincing the pastor to blow up the council. Enzo is a burden. Lily reveals some papers that the deed was changed and she tells him she has to go bury her son. Damon immediately wants to kill the hunter, so Stefan tells Connor to run as fast as he can. He later attends the carnival, where he speaks to Jeremy. Damon tells him to stop wasting his time with him. Elena has a letter from Caroline's mom that arrived after Caroline flipped her switch. While Elena was off getting her hair done, Damon gave Stefan an update over the phone: He's there because his buddy Will used to get fake IDs for vampires, and he thinks Katherine was one of his clients. Elena tells him to stop sulking and let her take him to dinner tomorrow. He thinks it means they're never getting out. As Damon and Stefan take off to put away Klaus' body they talk about Elena and Stefan mentions that if she chooses Damon he will go away and let them be happy. Before that, he had met up with Elijah, and they spoke. They walk into Mystic Falls and Damon can tell he's still a vampire. He comforts her, but seems incredibly intrigued by the fact that Lockwood was affected by the Gilbert Device. Damon heads to the Grill to drown his morning sorrow in booze. Kai is standing near them grinning and Damon moves towards him, but Kai disappears. After he became a vampire, he left Stefan's side, wanting no part in the life of the man who betrayed him. Inside, they followed a blood trail -- and found a pile of dead bodies. Damon then calls Alaric for a back up. As they are approaching the Mystic Falls border, Alaric shows up and asks Tripp for a lift. "Damon declined to tell Elena if he'd take the cure when it's found. The two are seen again in the living room, where they begin another heated sexual encounter, but they're interrupted when Damon discovers that the bite on her shoulder has resurfaced. Damon has waited for the day that Elena awakens, so that they can share a human life together due to Elena's decision to taking the cure to vampirism. Elena is about to open the door when Damon says "I hear you breathing. Ambrose rolls into the house an open tank of gas and as he throws the flame toward the house, Damon shows up on the porch and catches the flame. You blame me for who you are, and I'm sorry. Silas † (Distant Paternal Ancestor)Unnamed Doppelgängers Of Silas † (Distant Paternal Ancestors)Giuseppe Salvatore † (Father)Lillian Salvatore † (Mother)Stefan Salvatore † (Younger Brother)Caroline Forbes (Sister-In-Law)Unborn Niece/Nephew † (via Stefan and Valerie Tulle)Unnamed Paternal Half-Brother †Zachariah Salvatore † (Paternal Half-Nephew)Zachariah's Unnamed Son † (Paternal Half-Nephew)Joseph Salvatore † (Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)Joseph's Unnamed Son † (Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)Zach Salvatore † (Distant Paternal Half-Nephew)Tom Avery † (Descendant)Sarah Salvatore † (Distant Paternal Niece)Miranda Sommers-Gilbert † (Adoptive Mother-In-Law)Grayson Gilbert † (Adoptive Father-In-Law)John Gilbert † (Father-In-Law)Isobel Flemming † (Mother-In-Law)Jeremy Gilbert (Brother-In-Law)Elena Gilbert † (Wife) Bonnie tests her magic, but it's still gone. Damon is talking to Elena through phone but the reception is horrible as unknown to him, Kai is sucking ll the travelers magic which was used in the anti magic spell in Mystic Falls. Damon has rigged a way to charge his cell phone and calls Enzo and asks him if he is still friends with those "nut-jobs" from the Armory. He joined the Confederate Army at some point, coming back when he was on leave to spend time at the Salvatore Estate. He starts undressing in front of her, and when she doesn't leave asks her suggestively if she'd like to stay for the show. Also, she asks Isobel's research assistant what she knows about Doppelgängers, which seems to interest Damon. Jo arrives at the school and cloaks Damon and herself. Bonnie was understandably pissed that Shane taught her the same magic that killed his wife. The couple sneak over to check on Enzo when Damon starts clapping from behind them, leaning against their car. While Jeremy says that Damon is not going to hurt him, because Elena would never forgive him, Damon proves him wrong and says that Elena has already given up on him and takes Jeremy hostage while Bonnie is trying to figure out how get some witch for locator spell to save Jeremy. Later, Damon is packing up the car in order to move to a new location when Elena approaches him. They begin to make out and Elena rips his shirt. They are looking in Alaric's books for something that resembles an ascendant. In Best Served Cold, three years from present Damon arrives at Rick's home to talk about Caroline, who is now a production manager at a news channel and engaged to Alaric, appears on television bloodied announcing there is a message for Stefan Salvatore. He taunts her again with the information he claims to know. Stefan suggests making her want the cure. Caroline is just trying to get through the next few days, but Damon tells her those aren't the bad ones, when she's surrounded by friends trying to make her feel better, it's what comes after.In the morning, Caroline makes a to-do list following her mother's death. The Vampire Diaries picture created by Mina918 using the free Blingee photo editor for animation. He played Damon Salvatore in the hit supernatural show, The Vampire Diaries. Silas can't be trusted, and there are consequences when you abuse magic (especially when you're resurrecting someone). He's last seen sitting there with watering eyes and bloody lips, staring after her. Damon puts the bullet in the lock and bashes at it with the rock, then kicks the door until it opens. And then he shares this little tidbit from his own experiences: "Post-hell is much worse. Valerie says she can bring him back: she's done it before. You're the psychic, you tell me". Later, Damon is drinking at the bar and Elena joins him. He later meets Alaric in the Grill and they talk about Meredith Fell and Damon hints that she could have killed her boyfriend. Damon returns to his room and finds Elena waiting. He thought the clients were filed under their birthdates, and he couldn't remember Katherine's. She kissed him goodbye. To then be interrupted by Bonnie who looks startled. Pilot In the present day, Damon rarely speaks about his father, when he does speak about him; it is in a negative way, and he (correctly) believes him to be nothing more than a monster. After Elena and Stefan have their fake fight at the grill, Damon leaves and encounters Katherine outside, who he reacts to coldly. Stefan says he's only sparing him because he saved his life, but he's done with him. She begs to be let out and Stefan arrives. When her vampire stalker attacks her, Damon and Stefan come to Elena's rescue, but Damon notices Alaric lingering near the cafeteria door. He later goes to Sheriff Forbes' office to deliver a package of vervain, supposedly in Zach's stead. When Caroline and Elena arrive at the house, Damon and Elena have an awkward post break up reunion. Enzo replies coldly "No objections here". And that's why Rebekah was reminding us how Katerina had come between Elijah and Klaus. Damon, over a 150 years later, learned that it was his mother who stole Giuseppe's money in order to run from her abusive husband, and that she planned on taking Stefan and Damon with her, but the plan failed, as Giuseppe found out about it. Dec 18, 2015 - Explore Tamara Baier's board "Damon Salvatore Quotes (The Vampire Diaries)", followed by 622 people on Pinterest. He started after Jeremy, and Elena called Damon's name and he stopped -- for a second. He's not sure if he wants it for Elena anymore. He confesses to Elena that he didn't stop his mother when she threatened to destroy the cure because he's a "selfish idiot" who doesn't want to lose her. In Total Eclipse of the Heart, Damon is first seen in Salvatores living room, when he is sleeping on the couch. Stefan comes downstairs to tell everyone they're being insensitive, but Damon warns him not to let the fact she's an Elena lookalike could the fact she's a manipulative psycho. It was his message to Damon, telling him to let him go. Damon tells him that he will find and kill Markos and asks him to have both him and Elena return home safely. It's a winding down of an eight-year emotional saga, for the most part. She doesn't want to believe he'd be part of a place that would cut Damon's eyes out and breaks down. Damon doesn't tell her, but says that he thought they were actually friends. When the teacher realizes that Damon and Elena have broken up she tells them that Jeremy needs a stable living situation. Stefan falls unconscious. The Salvatores and Elena walk into prom arm in arm. Then Damon says "Never have I lied about where Enzo is." Lily admits she's been struggling to reconnect with how it felt to be their mother. Damon then goes to the grill, where he and Alaric are approached by Klaus. Damon vamps over to Beau and rips his heart out. Damon tells this to Elena over phone who says that she doesn't know what they were or are supposed to be but after a horrible day she wants to see him and has something to tell him. She knows he's afraid he'll lose Elena if he gives it to her. Alaric and Valerie piece together that the real Stefan is living inside a body wanted by the police: a Marty Hammond in Arkansas. The Salvatores arrive with Aaron at Wes's classroom and find Enzo waiting for them. Damon is able to throw a broom handle into Kai, but it's only an illusion of him and it is actually Elena. They both collapse to the ground, passed out. The moment starts to feel more intimate, so, realizing the awkward position he is in, he pulls back and tells her about the cure, the reason behind Stefan's secrecy lately. Alaric comes by later, surprised to see Jeremy. Overjoyed on seeing his car, he goes and sit inside it. Episode Count Back at the Salvatore house, Lily admits to Damon that she did visit Stefan the night of her funeral. Caroline tells Bonnie to run and tries to attack him but Damon grabs Caroline around the throat as he realizes Stefan's getting married. Damon then wonders why a ghost would wanna attack Elena. Kai stares at the sun through the ascendant. Elena was annoyed that Damon of all people was judging her when he's tried to kill Stefan multiple times. She tries to comfort him, but he denies that there's anything wrong with him. Caroline warns him to not to go against the passenger inside Tyler until she figures out how to save Tyler. And now American actor Ian Somerhalder has talked about the idea of a reboot. Their father was furious and scolded Damon for trying to conceal her secret and protect her.

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