nuova guinea africa

The modern state of Guinea did not come into existence until 1958, but the history of Guinea stretches back well before European colonization. Of the Christians, there are Roman Catholics, Baptists, Seventh-day Adventists, and Anglicans. Until independence in 1958 the country was known as French Guinea, a French colony and part of French West Africa. In 2006, Guinea entered into a production agreement with Hyperdymanics Corporation out of Houston, Texas to explore offshore oil deposits. This slowed the pace of reforms. US Election 2020. a republic in West Africa, on the Atlantic: established as the colony of French Guinea in 1890 and became an independent republic in 1958. Rainfall varies between 60 and 90 inches (1,500 and 2,300 mm) annually, and the average annual temperatures there are in the mid-70s F (about 25 °C). A musical group, Bembeya Jazz, became rose in popularity in the 1960s after independence. The Guinean sector was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1981 and is home to a unique and diverse array of flora and fauna. Omissions? Those include Maritime Guinea, Mid-Guinea, Upper-Guinea, and Forested Guinea. There are also plants for juices, beer, soft drinks, and tobacco. The flat relief is broken by rounded granite hills and outliers of the Fouta Djallon. Americas. There is also an arbitration system that was installed to quickly resolve disputes. This increased accessibility dramatically. The four regions are Basse-Cote, Fouta Djallon, Sahelian Haute-Guinea, and the jungle areas. 900 personnel are in the navy. The national capital, Conakry, lies on Tombo (Tumbo) Island and spreads up the Camayenne (Kaloum) Peninsula; it is the country’s main port. Between 30 and 50 miles (48 and 80 km) wide, the plain is wider in the south than the north. The rocks of this region are of the same composition as those of Upper Guinea. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. There are four regions with distinct characteristics. Inflation is still a problem, reaching 30 percent in 2005. There are 700 in the air force, which has several Russian planes and transports. Content is produced in collaboration between’s editorial team and our partners — including nongovernmental organizations, private sector stakeholders, agencies and institutions. 2. unity-based methods. Fulani is the most widespread Muslim ethnic group in Sahel and West Africa. CBG is 49 percent government owned and the remainder is owned by Alcan and Alcoa. Camara was shot by an aide during a dispute on December 3, 2009. Numele țării este de origine berberă și se poate traduce drept 'țara negrilor'. A new port near Simandou North is also set to be constructed due to additional iron mining. These are subdivided into 33 prefectures. China won’t congratulate Biden, but backs disputed Guinea leader. The junta appointed Jean-Marie Dore as Prime Minister of the transition government on January 21, 2010. Unemployment in Guinea’s youth is a major problem. This country is bordered by guinea Bissau, Mali and Senegal on the north while Sierra Leone and Liberia lie on the south of this country. Lansana Conte became president after a short coup. The highest point in the highlands, Mount Tamgué, rises to 5,046 feet (1,538 metres) near the town of Mali in the north. It is bordered by Ivory Coast, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Senegal, and Sierra Leone. Republica Guineea (în franceză: République de Guinée) este un stat situat în Africa de Vest.Are granițe cu Guineea-Bissau și Senegal la nord, Mali la nord și nord-est, Coasta de Fildeș la sud-est, Liberia la sud, și Sierra Leone la vest. The Niger River flows east and arises in Guinea. At the end of 2004, estimates show 170,000 infected with HIV/AIDS. Small communities of Baha’i, Hindus, and Buddhists also live in Guinea. The Forest Region generally drains to the southwest through Sierra Leone and Liberia. The arrival of the migratory intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in June brings the heaviest rainfall of the wet season. Of the Muslims, most are Sufi or Sunni. Badiar National Park, which is administered jointly with Niokolo-Koba National Park in southeastern Senegal, contains savanna and forest. Mount Nimba (5,748 feet [1,752 metres]), the highest mountain in the region, is located at the borders of Guinea, Liberia, and Côte d’Ivoire. There are many great books about Papua New Guinea, including great fiction as well as non-fiction. The Forest Region, or Guinea Highlands, is a historically isolated area of hills in the country’s southeastern corner. Following Conté’s death, a military junta took control of the country and suspended the constitution that had been adopted in 1991. Baboons and hyenas are common, while an occasional wild boar, several types of antelope, and a rare leopard may be sighted. For current health alerts; See our regional advice for Africa More than 20 rivers in western Africa originate in Guinea. Mali, Senegal, and Guinea-Bissau share the northern border and Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Côte d’Ivoire are to the south. Speak Up Africa And IFPMA Start Their Search For Winners Of The Africa Young Innovators For Health Award. Sandy brown soils predominate in the northeast, while black, heavy clay soils accumulate in the backwaters along the coast. Reforms were begun in 2004 under Prime Minister Diallo. At the event, the Guest of Honour was his Excellency the Prime Minister of the Republic of Guinea, […] Crocodiles and several varieties of fish are found in most rivers. The primary activities are agricultural, and the per-capita average income is about $500. Guinea was the first French colony in Africa to opt out of French rule, and has paid the price economically. 80 percent of Guinea’s foreign exchanges result from bauxite mining in the northwest. The country’s rulers have been autocratic and Guinea is one of the world’s poorest countries. Papua New Guinea is surrounded by coral reefs which are under close watch to preserve them. In Upper Guinea rainfall drops to about 60 inches (1,500 mm) a year. The country continued reforms in 1996 and 1998 under IMF agreements. ... New species of snake which can stab sideways discovered in west Africa. Please select which sections you would like to print: Corrections? Outside Conakry, foreign investment is given more favorable terms. New Zealanders in Guinea are encouraged to register their details with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Guinea consists of four geographic regions: Lower Guinea, the Fouta Djallon, Upper Guinea, and the Forest Region, or Guinea Highlands. A small amount of river traffic also exists on the Niger and Milo rivers. Mount Nimba, the highest peak of the Nimba Range, which extends along the Guinea–Côte d'Ivoire–Liberia border in western Africa. There are 24 ethnic groups in Guinea. On 29 September 1898, he was captured by the French Commandant Goudraud and exiled to Gabon, marking the end of the Wassoulou Empire. Le popolazioni che vivono nell'area ricoperta dalle foreste lungo la costa della Guinea, dalla Guinea Bissau a Ovest al Camerun a Est, sono tra le più attive in Africa per la produzione di oggetti di legno intagliato e di maschere. During the dry season temperatures of more than 100 °F (38 °C) are common in the northeast. Some of these reforms include ending agriculture restrictions, creating a proper exchange rate, increasing education spending, and cutting bureaucracy. A virtual guide to Guinea, a developing country in the tropical southwestern part of West Africa at the Atlantic Ocean. A West African country, Guinea was formerly known as French Guinea and is sometimes called Guinea Conakry to separate it from its neighbor, Guinea Bissau. Fulani people are mainly pastoralists making them the largest nomadic pastoralist community in the world. Guinea's mineral wealth makes it potentially one of Africa's richest countries, but its people are among the poorest in West Africa. … Many of the dry woodlands of the region are protected in Haut Niger National Park, located in the centre of the country. Water and electrical utilities were operated privately until 2001. There are 10,000 non-Africans. It then was ruled successively by Sékou Touré (1958–84) and Lansana Conté (1984–2008), the latter of whom claimed power through a military coup. The main bauxite company is Compagnie des Bauxites de Guinea (CBG). The modern state of Guinea did not come into existence until 1958, but the history of Guinea stretches back well before European colonization. The government owns significant parts of these companies. Numerous offshore islands are remnants of former hills. The Saint Paul River enters the Atlantic at Monrovia, in Liberia, and the Moa River has its mouth at Sulima, in Sierra Leone. Guinea is not rich in African big game. Guinea’s musical tradition is rich and diverse as it is in other West African countries. Soil conservation is extremely important, because most soils are thin and rainfall heavy, causing much erosion. Nonetheless, the economy is largely based on subsistence agriculture. Sixteen women and children were killed in the remote town of Tari in Hela Province, Papua New Guinea in an attack described by police as "barbaric and inhumane." In Guinea, the majority of the population, 41%, belong to the Fulani tribe and are mainly found in the Futa Djallon region. Despite these problems, foreign investors still come to Guinea. Travel tips. Basically an enormous sandstone block, the Fouta Djallon consists of level plateaus broken by deeply incised valleys and dotted with sills and dikes, or exposed structures of ancient volcanism resulting in resistant landforms of igneous rock. The Fouta Djallon is the source of the three major rivers of the region. Europe America Asia Africa Australia Oceania. Guinea is an African country located on the western region of Africa on the Atlantic coast. Guinea is 10 degrees north of the equator and covers 245,857 sq. He also ruled as a despot until he died in 2008. In addition to bauxite, Guinea also has large diamond, iron, and gold deposits. The mountain’s densely forested slopes are part of the Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve, which has significant portions in Guinea. They are primarily sedent… Volcanos in Papua New Guinea At 14 volcanos in Papua New Guinea there have been a total of 33 siginificant eruptions over the past 2000 years. Conakry is the largest city, seat of government, and capital. While they see economically prosperous countries in the media, their inability to find work is frustrating. This official launch made on Friday last week was made together by Smart Africa with the Republic of Guinea at Noom Hotel. AREDOR is a diamond-mining venture partly owned by the Guinean government. Becoming An Investor In Nigeria: Where To Start? Lower Guinea includes the coast and coastal plain. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. Mount Nimba (5,748 feet [1,752 metres]), the highest mountain in the region, is located at the borders of Guinea, Liberia, and Côte d’Ivoire. 40 percent of the people belong to the Fulani and are mostly found in the Futa Jallon region. In 1996, the president promised additional reforms and appointed a new government. The junta ordered protesters attacked on September 28, 2009. Bordered in north by Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, and Mali, and by Côte d'Ivoire to the east and southeast, by Liberia and Sierra Leone to the south. Official language: French. The name came into use among European shippers and map makers in the seventeenth century to refer to the coast of West Africa from Guinea to Benin. Guinea (/ ˈ ɡ ɪ n i / ()), officially the Republic of Guinea (French: République de Guinée), is a west-coastal country in West Africa.Formerly known as French Guinea (French: Guinée française), the modern country is sometimes referred to as Guinea-Conakry to distinguish it from other countries with "Guinea" in the name and the eponymous region, such as Guinea-Bissau and Equatorial Guinea. The Forest Region contains several extensive patches of rainforest, with teak, mahogany, and ebony trees; agriculture, however, has diminished the forests and resulted in a shift largely toward open savanna. Le maschere dei popoli della Guinea . Power was handed over to a freely elected civilian administration in 2010. The agreement stated Camara would continue his medical recovery outside Guinea and the military would not intervene in the elections. There are four branches to the country’s armed forces. The seven administrative regions are Kankan, Kindia, Nzerekore, Labe Faranah, and Mamou. Guinea’s land area is approximately the size of the U.K. Its land border is 3,400 km and the coastline is 300 km. The Gambia River flows northwestward before crossing Senegal and The Gambia. Currency depreciation is also occurring with 5,554 Guinea francs to the dollar in 2006. Its topography varies from coastal plains to inland mountains that account for about 60 percent of the land area. Guinea - Guinea - Government and society: For more than 25 years under Pres. While the government met spending goals in social sectors, military spending contributed to a fiscal deficit. Hyperdynamics Corporation, an American oil company, also signed an agreement to develop offshore oil deposits. Mount Nimba is the highest point at 1,750 m. Guinea’s large natural resources include 25 percent of the bauxite reserves known in the world. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership. Guinea’s area is 246,000 sq. Moussa Dadis Camara took control on December 23, 2008 as the leader of a junta. The word papua is derived from an old local term of uncertain origin. " On the coast a period of six months of dry weather is followed by six months of rain. More than 5,000 square miles (13,000 square km) of the highlands’ total extent of 30,000 square miles (78,000 square km) lie above 3,000 feet (900 metres). The largest airport is the Conakry International Airport. At low elevations, temperatures resemble those of the coastal areas. Unlike many global publications, for nearly a decade we have been committed to showing a complete picture of Africa – not just a single story. Rail and domestic air services are insufficient and offer inadequate services. 3. Sékou Touré, Guinea was a one-party state ruled by the Democratic Party of Guinea (Parti Démocratique de Guinée; PDG). Most automobiles are over 20 years old. Updates? There was also effort to extend all health care areas to improve indicators. As the ITCZ shifts southward in November, the hot, dry wind known as the harmattan blows from the northeast off the Sahara. These elections were postponed due to allegations of fraud. Fouta Djallon is a highland region in the center of Guinea. The Niger River and several tributaries, including the Tinkisso, Milo, and Sankarani, rise in the highlands and flow in a general northeasterly direction across Upper Guinea to Mali. Monkeys, chimpanzees, and some rare bird species can be found in the southern portion of the Forest Region, near the Liberian border. Deciduous trees grow in scattered clumps, but few have commercial value; baobabs and shea trees furnish fruit and oil. In 2002, due to the government’s failure to meet criteria, the IMF suspended Guinea’s Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF). Gasoline price controls have been loosened, exchange rates have been allowed to float, and government spending has been reduced. The average rainfall at Conakry is about 170 inches (4,300 mm) a year, and the average annual temperatures are in the low 80s F (about 27 °C). The main groups are the Fula, Mandinka, and Susu. Author of. The Fouta Djallon highlands rise sharply from the coastal plain in a series of abrupt faults. Guinea, country of western Africa, located on the Atlantic coast. 85 percent of the people practice Islam, 10 percent are Christian, and 5 percent hold indigenous beliefs. 80 percent of the people in Guinea are employed in agriculture. Thanks for reading and for your interest in Africa. In the Fouta Djallon, January afternoon temperatures range from the mid-80s to the mid-90s F (about 30 to 35 °C), while evening temperatures dip into the high 40s and low 50s F (about 8 to 11 °C). The most common soils found in Guinea are laterites formed of iron and hydrated aluminum oxides and other materials that often concretize into hard iron-rich conglomerates. Hydroelectric power has potential as well. Only the months of December, January, and February are relatively dry, with possible rainfall of only 1 inch (25 mm). Composed of granite, gneiss, schist (crystalline rock), and quartzite, the region has an average elevation of about 1,000 feet (300 metres). A few hippopotamuses and manatees inhabit the rivers of both Lower and Upper Guinea. Latest travel advice for Guinea, including how to stay safe during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and information on returning to the UK. An excellent book for the general reader about Papua New Guinea is Sean Dorney's Papua New Guinea: People, Politics, and History Since 1975. Africa Who owns Guinea's bauxite? After the first rounds, Cellou Dalein Diallo and Alpha Conde were the winners and set to move into the second round. Early in the country’s history, Guinea was a major exporter of coffee, peanuts, palm oil, pineapples, and bananas. Offended by one-sided coverage of wars, disasters and disease, the founders of created a website that provides a balanced view of Africa – current events, business, arts & culture, travel, fashion, sports, information, development, and more. Other groups include the Kpelle, Kissi, Toma, and Zialo. The indigenous name in the Pular language is Fuuta-Jaloo. Most roads are in poor repair. 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After the fall of the major West African empires, various kingdoms existed in what is now Guinea: Fulani Muslims migrated to Fouta Jallon in Central Guinea and established an Islamic state from 1735 to 1898 with a written constitution and alternate rulers. The army is the largest branch with 15,000 personnel and is responsible for securing the borders. Immediately inland the gently rolling coastal plain rises to the east, being broken by rocky spurs of the Fouta Djallon highlands in the north at Cape Verga and in the south at the Camayenne Peninsula. The navy operates small patrol boats and barges. Guinea's many rivers supply water to much of West Africa. Europe. Other bauxite companies are the Compagnie des Bauxites de Kindia, Dian Dian, and Alumina Compagnie de Guinee. Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve is a protected area and UNESCO World Heritage Site located in both Guinea and Côte d’Ivoire, extending over a total of area of 17,540 hectares (43,340 acres), with 12,540 hectares (30,985 acres) in Guinea, and 5,000 hectares (12,355 acres) in Côte d’Ivoire. Experiments with … From 1880 until his death, Samori’s ambition was opposed by the expansion of the French. New Poisonous snakes include mambas, vipers, and cobras, and there are pythons and a variety of harmless snakes. Guinea. A new railway and deep-water port are expected to be built at Kalia and Simandou (south) due to planned iron mining. The Republic of Guinea is located in West Africa and bordered to the northwest by Guinea-Bissau, the north by Senegal and Mali, the east by Côte d'Ivoire, the south by Liberia and the southwest by Sierra Leone. There are also deposits of gold, diamonds, and other metals. Guinea, under the name French Guinea, was a part of French West Africa until it achieved independence in 1958. Cloud State University, Minnesota. Guinea is bordered by Guinea-Bissau to the northwest, Senegal to the north, Mali to the northeast, Côte d’Ivoire to the southeast, and Liberia and Sierra Leone to the south. Guinea’s investment code was modified in 1998 to stimulate the economy. Religion: Muslim majority and … Transform Africa Summit 2020 edition has been officially announced in Conakry the capital of Guinea.

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