Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Partita IVA (VAT Code): 00427620364 e-mail: urp@unimore.it | Modena: Via Università 4, 41121 Modena, Tel. Infektionen mit Coronavirus-Stämmen, die zu einfachen Erkältungskrankheiten führen, manifestieren sich häufig in Form von Rhinitis, Husten, Kopfschmerzen und Fieber. About the Program Activities Calendars Courses Fees & Deadlines Photo Gallery Videos. AperTO contains the research papers of the University of Turin. Distance learning solutions and lessons recovery will be communicated from Tuesday March 3rd. To … University of Turin - Department of Economics and Statistics; Collegio Carlo Alberto. In 1956 he began his academic career at the University of Urbino and, two years later, personally chosen by its dean and founder Father Agostino Gemelli, moved to the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan, where he held the chair of private law for over three decades. They should contact: Whoever may show these symptoms in the workplace must stop their working activities and leave the place of employment, making sure to follow the proper precautions. The University of Turin boasts a remarkable research tradition and is deeply involved in promoting scientific research and innovation. It's possibile to continue and activate curricular traineeships with remote modes, after evaluation of the single degree program and the academic and company tutor. Università degli Studi di Firenze - UniFI. Coming to the end, I want to draw attention to the emotional and psychological burden that we must live during these days. Campus Westend Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6 (PEG Building) 60323 Frankfurt am Main +49-69-798-17193. The new Coronavirus 2019nCoV is included among the viruses responsible for respiratory infections, it can cause pathologies with symptoms similar to those of common flu. l[46] = ':'; In ognuno di noi c’è un vero e proprio universo interiore, molto più profondo e autentico di quello esteriore. +39 040 558 7111 - P.IVA 00211830328 - C.F. All news. Torino, Final exams of the degree programme in Health Profession recognized as State Examination that couldn’t take place for the new ministerial provisions will be rescheduled. They are the authorities designated to guarantee public health rules observance, as it was clarified by Garante per la Privacy. 80013890324 - P.E.C. In addition, I recommend the absolute observance of the rules about mobility and social distance by limiting the presence in the University venues and structures only to cases of strictly needs. Campus Riedberg Max-von-Laue-Straße 9 (Biozentrum, Building N100) This extraordinary situation requires strong sense of responsibility. The University of Turin is one of the most ancient and prestigious Italian Universities. Administrative staff will follow the usual rules for reporting absence of work due to illness. Università della Svizzera italiana - USI. The University delayed to May 30th 2020 the payment deadline for the third tuition fee instalment and the additional fees instalments of Degree Courses a.y. The virus doesn’t make any exception. l[51] = 'a'; Via Principe Amedeo, 12 For this reason, please contact the offices by e-mail or ticket. However the most important effort is made daily to ensure that online teaching activities are carried out, in order to guarantee continual learning to 80,000 students enrolled in 155 degree courses, 102 masters and 57 specialization schools. Especially: DEPARTMENTAL, SCHOOL, TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC, DEGREE PROGRAMMES, ALL THE UNIVERSITY COMMITEES RELATED MEETINGS. The University of Turin is closely monitoring the situation of the Coronavirus spread and is in direct contact with national, regional and local authorities to provide the adequate preventive measures for UniTo community. peer-to-peer tutoring in taking notes and/or support in exams preparation, Italian Sign Language interpreting and mediated communication services) are still active. 164/2020 of the Rector of the University of Wroclaw of 30 December 2020 . La Fondazione Università Popolare di Torino, ha attivato per questo anno accademico una serie di Percorsi Formativi che permettono lo studio articolato di materie affini o complementari. Il benessere è uno stato che coinvolge tutti gli aspetti dell'essere umano determinandone la qualità della vita. l[53] = '"'; Decree issued by the President of the Council of Minister on April 10th 2020, Decree issued by the President of the Council of Minister on March 8th 2020, Decree issued by the President of the Coucil of Minister on March 4th 2020, Decree issued by the President of the Council of Minister on March 1st 2020, Urgent measures to limit and manage the epidemiological emergency of COVID-19, wash your hands thoroughly and often, for at least 40-60 seconds with water and soap, keep a distance of at least 2 meters from people with respiratory diseases symptoms (cough or sneezes), avoiding close contact. l[29] = '|111'; The invitation is to stay at home, limiting the movements only for proven work needs, situations of necessity or health reasons. Distanti ma uniti, anzi “Uniti in rete”: il progetto di Fondo Edo Tempia e psicologia ospedaliera dell’Asl di Biella lanciato in Leggi Tutte → Storie. Youtube Broadcast. A thought goes to all the School of Medicine community of UniTo to which I’m honored to be part. l[39] = '|110'; All cultural, scientific and education events (conferences, seminars, workshops, etc.) I address my heartfelt thanks to all people for their spirit of collaboration: administrative staff, students, professors and all the other professional figures which give their contribute to our university life. l[54] = '='; Punctual and scrupulous compliance with the hygienic-sanitary measures set by the authorities about the movements is recommended. This limitation is for professors, researchers, research technicians, grant holders, research fellows, specializing students, students that are writing their final dissertation, etc. 120 corsi, 120 opportunità di conoscenza a soli 150 euro l'anno! The Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is part of a big virus family that causes a lot of diseases, most of them are not serious, from common cold, with or without fever, cough, to difficulties in breathing. 224 waren hier. 2020-2021, based on how the COVID-19 emergency continues to unfold. All the University venues are closed from Tuesday March 17th 2020, except for medical and hospital workplaces, in order to rationalise the access to spaces and limit movements of people and the employment of auxiliary staff. var l=new Array(); Piazzale Europa, 1 - 34127 - Trieste, Italia - Tel. Students graduating in extraordinary sessions don’t have to pay additional fees. Moreover the decree provides more urgent and restrictive measures. Tra le più richieste: Il Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche ha una lunga tradizione di corsi "classici" che spaziano dalle lingue antiche alla filosofia, ma propone con successo anche materie molto attuali. The complete, detailed and updated measures are published on unito.it. The list of the final exams of the degree programme in Health Profession is available in this page, where you can find the confirmed or canceled exams. Students with disabilities or SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities) - with certificate submitted to the 'Students with disabilities/SLD University Desk' - must arrange customized distance learning solutions with each Professor. A YEAR OF CHALLENGE, STRENGTH AND … O. All updates for the UniTo community are published in the paragraph UniTo's measures for students, academic and administrative workers on this page. This suspension will not compromise the students’ academic careers. 0522 523041 - Fax 0522 523045. UCL Institute for Global Health. This decision is due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in unprecedented travel restrictions across international borders that seem unlikely to be lifted in the near future. Hier sollte eine Beschreibung angezeigt werden, diese Seite lässt dies jedoch nicht zu. Please note: further and continuous updates are published on this page as soon as available. Take advantage of the numerous resources and services created to help students during their time at the University. l[59] = ' '; International Mobility Programs Presentation 15th December . It causes pneumonia with acute respiratory diseases very rarely (5%) in the worst cases. Even for this, University of Turin can say to be a great community. Ordinance no. Enjoy Turin's baroque historical centre and its cultural offering including royal palaces, residences, museums and so on, and benefit from the facilities of a modern city. l[8] = '|110'; La Statale Live. Frequent consultation is recommended. l[49] = 'l'; A. Il corso "Alla scoperta del corpo umano II" del Dr. Marco Laudi, inizierà lunedì 11 gennaio 2021 con cadenza quindicinale, SCRIVERE DI SE' - ore 19.20 - Prof.ssa DI GANGI, Consulta il calendario scolastico e delle Festività. The organisation of teaching to 23 February 2021 . l[48] = 't'; All the complete, detailed and updated provisions are available on www.unito.it, THESE PROVISIONS ARE EXTENDED TO MAY 3RD 2020. There are other activities that can be easily carried out remotely and that are as much important for us researchers: bibliographic researches and critical bibliography reviews, experimental and not data processing, writing scientific reports and publications are scientific research and they represent the soul of science. Update of the cleaning process of University spaces according to. Only health system members and Protezione Civile system should verify and collect information about Coronavirus symptoms and movements of people. Please consider online solutions also for all the other meetings. The Decree issued by the President of the Council of Minister on April 10th 2020 extended the restrictive measures to limit the spread of Covid-19 disease in the national territory until May 3rd 2020. All employees with activities that can’t be postponed or be fulfilled remotely and need to work on site should aerate the rooms frequently. } l[31] = '|105'; l[47] = 'o'; l[1] = 'a'; The last session of final dissertations of a.y. According to the regulations of March 14th 2020 “Protocollo condiviso di regolamentazione delle misure per il contrasto e il contenimento della diffusione del virus Covid-19 negli ambienti di lavoro”: all employees affected by pathological conditions (certified by their own doctor), should inform Servizio Medici Competenti (Competent Doctors Service) by email medicicompetenti@unito.it to take the right measures (if they are not already working remotely).
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