The Bologna Process is a series of ministerial meetings and agreements between European countries to ensure comparability in the standards and quality of higher-education qualifications. The process was opened to other countries in the European Cultural Conve… The Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, jointly with the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, under the aegis of the Observatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum, the European University Association (EUA) and the European Students’ Union (ESU), are preparing the celebration of the … This marked the beginning of the so-called Bologna Process, creating the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which by now encompasses 48 countries. Every two or three years there are Ministerial Conference s organised in order to assess the progress made within the EHEA and to decide on the new steps to be taken. On June 24, 2019 Bologna saw the festive celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Bologna Declaration, which in 1999 was signed by education ministers of 29 European countries. EVENT VIDEOS. The process has created the European Higher Education Area under the Lisbon Recognition Convention. The event "The Bologna Process goes Global: fundamental values of the EHEA beyond 2020" will be held in Bologna on 24 and 25 June 2019. 28 May 2019 The Bologna Process at Twenty: Global Ambitions and EU Foreign Policy. The Bologna Process, launched with the Bologna Declaration, of 1999, is nowadays implemented in 49 State s, which define the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Presidency summary; Presidency of the Council; Sustainable meeting arrangements. Diritto amministrativo, Scienze dell’educazione, Università. On June 24, 2019 Bologna saw the festive celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Bologna Declaration, which in 1999 was signed by education ministers of 29 European countries. The event "The Bologna Process goes Global: fundamental values of the EHEA beyond 2020" will be held in Bologna on 24 and 25 June 2019. Two years after signing the Bologna Declaration and three years after the Sorbonne Declaration, European Ministers in charge of higher education, representing 32 signatories, met in Prague in order to review the progress achieved and to set directions and priorities for the coming years of the process. The proceedings of this meeting will be input for the 2020 EHEA Ministerial Meeting in Rome. The Bologna Follow-Up Group - BFUG - is the executive structure supporting the Bologna Process in-between the Ministerial Conferences. 20 Years of the Bologna Process in a Global Setting: the external dimension of the Bologna Process revisited. Published on Jun 27, 2019 The 20th Anniversary of the Bologna Declaration is an international event organized by the Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna on 24th and 25th June 2019. Argomento The Bologna Process in a global setting: twenty years later. 27 Giugno 2019 / Ultimo aggiornamento : 27 Giugno 2019 cruipro Attività La CRUIPRO presente al “Bologna Process beyond 2020” Il Presidente, don Mauro Mantovani, e il Rettore della Pontificia Università Gregoriana, p. Find out more. 31 May 2019. You can find there the event details and practical information.As many participants are expected, we kindly ask you to register online, at your earliest convenience ( ) and to book your accommodation as soon as possible.The initiative will include a celebration day - on June 24th in the afternoon - and a working session on June 25th. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research: Vol. The Bologna Process is an important process of harmonizing various systems of European higher education that has the objective to create a European Area of Higher Education and to promote the European system of higher education on a worldwide scale in … This marked the beginning of the so-called Bologna Process, creating the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which by now encompasses 48 countries. L'evento "The Bologna Process goes Global: fundamental values of the EHEA beyond 2020" si terrà Bologna il 24 e il 25 giugno 2019. The proceedings of this meeting would then be presented to the 2020 EHEA Ministerial Meeting in Rome. Contatti: ; +390512099965 Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito web dell'evento About the International Online Forum "Global in the Regional: Kazakhstan in the Bologna Process and EU projects" Proceed Corporate ethics and countering corruption More than 200 university … It is named after the University of Bologna, where the Bologna declaration was signed by education ministers from 29 European countries in 1999. The objective of this article is to examine the Israeli perceptions towards the Bologna Process as well as outline its reactions to it. 2-6. On that occasion, the Global Policy Forum will pursue dialogue beyond the EHEA. The Bologna Process has come to symbolize a form of international cooperation in higher education policy, not only in Europe, but all over the world. Here you can find the videos of all the speeches delivered during the Bologna Celebration. For the last two decades, the Bologna Process has shaped higher education … Bologna Process beyond 2020: Fundamental values of the EHEA. (2019). European Journal of Higher Education: Vol. The event "The Bologna Process beyond 2020: fundamental values of the EHEA" will be held in Bologna on 24 and 25 June 2019. The event "The Bologna Process goes Global: fundamental values of the EHEA beyond 2020" will be held in Bologna on 24 and 25 June 2019. Offsetting of air travel emissions; Calculation of greenhouse gas emissions; Openness and transparency. As the Bologna Process reaches its twenty-year mark, reflecting on its global influence is of particular value. 32, Special Issue: 20th anniversary of the Bologna Process: Europeanization through Soft Governance, pp. In the meantime, a number of groups continue to work on the remaining challenges ahead of the next Ministerial Conference, which will be held in Rome in 2020. Europe of Knowledge. Study By Editorial Team 11 July, 2019 No Comments. The Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, jointly with the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, under the aegis of the Observatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum, invite rectors and academics to celebrate the Twentieth Anniversary of the Bologna Declaration. The Bologna Follow-Up Group. 20th anniversary of the Bologna Process was celebrated in the city of Bologna in June 2019. On the next day the University of Bologna, in cooperation with Magna Charta Observatory and the European University Association, hosted an academic conference, to identify important future challenges for universities and their role in society. seeks to bring more coherence to higher education systems across Europe 450-464. This marked the beginning of the so-called Bologna Process, creating the European Higher Education Area (EHEA), which by now encompasses 48 countries. (2019). 9, Special Issue 'Twenty Years of the Bologna Process - reflecting on its global strategy from the perspective of motivations and external responses', pp. The conference is intended as an analytical as well as an agenda-setting contribution to the design of the Bologna Process in the years to come and it aims at identifying important future challenges for universities and their role in society. It is in place since autumn 1999. June 19 will mark the twenty-year anniversary of the Bologna Declaration spearheading the Bologna Process and establishment of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). Application for the selection for participation in scholarship program for one academic year; Application for the selection for participation in scholarship program for one academic period FINAL (FINAL) VERSION: 15.02.08. For the second day the scientific committee has opened a Call for Abstracts on five themes:1 - Academic and related civic values in changing societies2 - Student-centered Learning: really?3 - Providing Leadership for Sustainable Development, the Role of Higher Education4 - The Social Dimension of Higher Education5 - Careers and Skills for the Labor Market of the future, We hope to involve many scholars to discuss the core values of the EHEA and develop a "Vision" for the European, © Copyright 2018 - OBSERVATORY MAGNA CHARTA UNIVERSITATUM, Call for Abstract - Bologna Process - Bologna June 24-25, 2019,, Fondazione trasparente (Transparent Foundation). Read more The Bologna Process and the ensuing establishment of the European Higher Education Area has had an impact on the ways in which higher education in Europe operates, and the ways it is perceived and related to in countries and regions outside Europe. On June 24-25, 2019 the City and the University of Bologna will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Bologna Declaration, which in 1999 was signed by education ministers of 29 European countries. The proceedings of this meeting would then be presented to the 2020 EHEA Ministerial Meeting in Rome. The Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, jointly with the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, under the aegis of the Observatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum, invite rectors and academics to celebrate the … This special issue aims to take stock of the Bologna Process' international function by critically examining the motivations and interests behind its 'global strategy' as well as scrutinising how the reform has been perceived and applied beyond Europe. The Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, jointly with the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, under... view more Specifically, the article investigates the landscape of interests among Israeli policy-makers (from both political and institutional levels) in relation to the European higher education reforms. Find the full paper of the proceedings of Bologna Process Beyond 2020. LEARNING OUTCOMES CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN EUROPE: UPDATE ON THE ISSUES AND APPLICATIONS OF LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSOCIATED WITH THE BOLOGNA PROCESS Stephen Adam, UK Bologna Expert Bologn a Se m in a r : Le a r n in g ou t com e s ba se d h igh e r e duca t ion: t h e Scot t ish e x pe r ie n ce 2 1 - 2 2 Fe br u a r y 2 0 0 8 , a t H e r iot - W … Bologna, June 24th - 25th 2019 EVENT PHOTOS See the gallery EVENT VIDEOS See the gallery BOLOGNA PROCESS PROCEEDING. The Bologna Process is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2019. When looking back on the road taken, with reforms at a European, national and institutional level, we can feel pride in the milestone achievements and the efforts undertaken to ensure the Bologna Process still remains a vivid reality. BFUG Meeting 65 Bucharest, April 2019 - Minutes BFUG Meeting 65 Bucharest, April 2019 - All documents V8 21.06.2019 Hannah Moscovitz and Hila Zahavi. The event website is now online: . There was every reason to celebrate this great initiative and the movement it started; even more so as it is hard to imagine that such an initiative would be taken and as widely followed today, under the present international conditions. The crisis of academic freedom in Europe emerged as the main theme at the recent Bologna Process Beyond 2020: Fundamental values of the EHEA conference in Bologna. tory and the European University Association, hosted an academic conference, to identify important future challenges for universities and their role in society. The conference, which drew over a thousand participants from over seventy countries, was intended as an analytical as well as an agenda-setting contribution to the design of the Bologna Process in the decades to come. The conference, which drew over a thousand participants from over seventy countries, was intended as an analytical as well as an agenda-setting contribution to the design of the Bologna Process in the decades to come. The event "The Bologna Process goes Global: fundamental values of the EHEA beyond 2020" will be held in Bologna on 24 and 25 June 2019. Sixty-fifth Bologna Follow-Up Group meeting in Bucharest, 4-5 April 2019. The work between two meetings of the Bologna Follow-up Group is overseen by a Board. Strategic Agenda 2019–2024; Backgrounders; The Presidency. Hence the European Higher Education Area is a precious legacy, to be cherished and honoured, an accomplishment of the past as well as a promise for the future; which finely characterizes what higher education itself should be and should do. The Bologna Process is an intergovernmental higher education reform process that includes 48 European countries and a number of European organizations, including EUA.
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