giro d'italia 2009 percorso

Some of them are formidible: Damiano Cunego, Yaroslav Popovych, Michele Scarponi, Gabriele Bosisio, Jens Voigt, Pavel Brutt, Kjell Carlstrom. Sastre has clawed his way back to the lead group. Garzelli had been caught by the peloton but now he goes again. 35 km to go: The gap went down 7sec, it's now 3min 50sec. The Voeckler break lead has shrunk to 59sec. Forcast is 70% chance of rain in the afternoon. Garzelli is indeed leading Basso on the descent. No breaks yet. Today the Giro will race on the Amalfi Road, one of the most beautiful stretches of pavement in the world. LPR is leading the chase, trying to get back on terms with the break. At km 12 Leonardo Scarselli (ISD), Bjorn Schroder (Milram) and Mikhail Ignatiev (Katusha) got away. google_ad_client = "ca-pub-2062310126166513"; It's downhill from here. 4 km to go: Sastre is 1min 40sec behind Popovych. The riders who want to take on Menchov will need the entire ascent to get enough time. google_ad_slot = "2395833724"; Vorganov is having trouble with the break's high speed. Garcia was absorbed by the peloton. Simoni is trying to get up to them. He takes stage 8. Pellizotti is a little off the front with Lance Armstrong chasing him down! Popovych is leading the Maglia Rosa group. He looks pretty cooked. Well back Armstrong is pulling Leipheimer who is seeing his Giro chances ride away up the road. The sprint for the KOM points went in this order: Francesco Bellotti (Barloworld), Francesco De Bonis (Serramenti PVC-Diquigiovanni) and Jens Voigt (Saxo). Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 28 sep 2020 om 11:38. GC after Stage 9: No change to any of the classifications. We have it. At Villamagna, the lead has stretched out to 3min 5sec. there he is, a few riders back. There is still about a minute between Basso and Di Luca/Menchov. Gap between Kivtsov and Facci to the peloton is is 4min 38sec. Break's lead is now 2min 53sec. Comix Now it's 2 LPR riders at the front of the peloton with Di Luca sitting in third. No one could come around the British speedster. He's climbing the first hill with a supple, high-cadence pedal stroke that looks familiar. The finish: Brut went first but Bertolini went by him. The riders are constantly drinking and pouring water on their heads, trying to get a little relief. Origineel Agu wielerhirt Giro d'Italia leiderstrui uit 2009 van de Rabobank ploeg Zoals gedragen door Denis Mentsjov bij zijn winst in de Giro d'Italia van 2009 Origineel Agu shirt uit die periode maat XXL lengte 72cm. 30 km to go: Liquigas is leading the chase to bring Bertolini back to the pack. They are about 30sec behind Sastre. Jason McCartney is in this lead group. Devenyns and Cheula have almost linked up. Di Luca has moved up to second place in the peloton. 20% chance of rain in the afternoon. Garzelli is a good descender, he should be able to get Basso, who is not a good descender, off the hill in good time. Three teams are at the front keeping the break's from getting out of hand: LPR, ISD and Columbia. They go over 2min 19sec after the front of the break. If not, the team's Pro Tour license will probably be pulled. Armstrong is leading the pack at 63 kph. The break is traveling at 51kph and the pack is chasing at 53kph. Thomas Voeckler (Bouygues Telecom) is well off the front. 45.21 kph is the race's average speed so far. 90F (32C), sunny skies with variable winds at 3 mph (5 kph). Simoni is in trouble. Usually Armstrong rides these climbs near the front. The Maglia Rosa group is 5min behind Popovych. 2 km to go: Bam! 63 km to go: At the top of the Picco Sant'Angelo. Km 200, 1 km from the Sestriere summit: Garzelli has 6min 20sec on the Maglia Rosa group. He's getting caught before the top. Maglia Rosa group comes in at 1min 56sec. Pellizotti is now alone off the front on the climb. Grivko/Visconti have closed to within about a minute of Garzelli. 4 km to go: Columbia is sitting right behind Garmin. 20 km to go: Through Ponte a Signa. Here are a few of them: Yaroslav Popovych (Astana) and Michele Scarponi (Serramenti). None of the breakaway riders are real GC threats if the pack decides to start chasing. Weather in nearby Imola at 1:00 PM local time: 90F (32C), wind from the NNE at 6mph (10 kph). There was a crash in the peloton involving Grivko and Astana rider Rubiera and a few others. They'll go in 1-minute intervals in reverse GC order until the final 20, who'll be spaced out with 3-minute gaps. Cardenas and McCartney were caught and the attacks kept coming. Belgian rider Serge Pauwels was in the winning break with Bertagnolli. The world centre of cycling. - Fuji-Servetto via TAS ook naar Tour en Giro? Rabobank is riding tempo at the front. Tyler Farrar (Garmin-Slipstream) took the Maloja KOM sprint. Now his lead has grown to 20sec. I'm sure LPR will eventually sober up and go after him. 30 km to go: Marzano has 50sec on the pack. Da Belfast a Trieste, queste sono le 21 tappe del Giro d'Italia 2014 From Belfast to Trieste, these are the 21 stages of Giro d'Italia 2014 Wielernieuws : Fuji-Servetto toch welkom in Giro d'Italia -, - Fuji-Servetto alsnog naar de Giro, Wielernieuws op | Nieuws - Komst Fuji-Servetto betekent geen Ceramica Flaminia in Giro,ë_2009&oldid=57217499, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. Basso is at the front for a moment. The finish: Sastre wins the stage. Liquigas has hit the front hard. LPR is still slaving away at the front of the peloton. 3 km to go: Gilbert, Pozzato and Gasparotto got away on the final descent. It hugs the coastline from Vietri sul Mare to Sorrento (see the route map below). It has: Thomas Voeckler, Giuseppe Palumbo, Felix Cardenas, Ruggero Marzoli, Giovanni Visconti, Matteo Bono, Gonzalo Rios, Giuseppe Palumbo and Riccardo Chiranini. /* right side */ The average speed for the second hour is 44.90 kph. 92 km to go: The pack has stopped at the finish line! The pack closes up. 10:05 AM Eastern Time: Third check point at 44.5 kilometers. 80 km to go: The gap to the peloton is 3min 42sec. 20 km to go: The lead trio still has it in the 150-inch gear, hammering away. Gap is 3min 55sec. Rims looks like they are about 40-mm deep. He'll probobly get the KOM points then let himself get caught. Menchov was with Di Luca. 75 km to go: The break is getting reeled in. 35 km to go: We are approaching the second-category 6-kilometer Colle del Gallo. The break is down to 13. After the start of the Giro d'Italia 2009 from Venice with the team time trial, won by the Columbia High Road team, and the second stage from Jesolo to Trieste won by Alessandro Petacchi, 7 other stages have allowed the riders to get to the spot where they currently enjoy their first rest day in this 100-year Tour of Italy. Di Luca got it just right as he wins the monster stage. Di Luca is moving towards the front as the race enters Frosinone. 25 km to go: Liquigas seems to be moving up to the front of the peloton but doesn't show any signs of wanting to do any work yet. Weather in nearby Campobasso: Forecast is for mostly sunny but with a chance of scattered showers, 69F (21C)with the wind from the north at 10 to 15 mph (15 to 25 kph). The gap has been cut down to 53sec. The duo currently have a 5-minute lead. LPR is hammering away. They are surely watching each other rather closely. 12 km to go: Siutsou (Columbia) takes off. Km 13: The race has reached Pescara, Di Luca's home town. It will grow as riders take terrible chances to regain the bunch on the descent. See the map below. The 25 riders have a lead of 2min 20sec. Km 170, 46 km to go: The efforts of Milram and Quick Step (mostly Milram right now) are starting to pay off. The race just went over the 5-hour mark and the hardest part is still to come. Menchov has moved up behind him with a Rabobank helper. Now the gap is 1min. There are 14 riders away on the Passo della Collina. Gap is 3min 52sec as the riders continue to descend. All the other big guns seem to be up there as well. The worst of the fog seems to be behind the race now. Looks like a well organized break, each rider taking short pulls. The Maglia Rosa group is 15 seconds behind the peloton with the sprinters. 68 km to go: The gap is down to 1min 52sec. It looks like the chase is growing more determined. 2 km to go: Sastre goes through 58sec ahead of Menchov, Di Luca and Pellizotti. A Bouygues Telecom rider seems to be trying to lift the pace a bit. 7 km to go: Voigt attacks and drops Bellotti. Armstrong looks to have been gapped. I don't think any present GC concerns for the pack. 3 km to go: The final ascent of the Anagni has started. The peloton is strung out from the high speed of the chase. They are 15 seconds ahead of the Maglia Rosa group. 5 km to go: In the city of Florence. Now we'll have the tough Monte Trebbio ascent. The lead is down to 2min 2sec. 20 km to go: Pauwels/Bertagnolli then Basso/Garzelli at 2min 11sec and the Maglia Rosa group at 2min 49sec. In the front : Popovych, Cunego, Bosisio and Scaponi. May 27, Wednesday: Stage 17, Chieti - Blockhaus, 83 km. Sastre is riding like a rocket. 20 km to go: The lead is down to 2min. Grabowsky was the first to try his luck. 7 km to go: Sastre is in the front group but Lovkvist has missed the move. Km 28: The chasing break of 5 that was in the middle has been caught. Km 112, 51 km to go: In Sorrento there is an intermediate sprint.The escaping pair contested the sprint with Krivtsov taking the win. He was a bit hot under the collar over the fact that his LPR team had to do all the chasing yesterday. 13sec now. Weather in Trieste: Clear, 73F (23C), wind from WSW at 3 mph (5 kph). Giro d'Italia 2014 - Il Percorso So today was the most excited I have ever been about the announcement of the route of 2014 Giro d'Italia. Menchov takes the stage and Di Luca probably takes the Pink Jersey. The finish: Di Luca leading the pack catches Soler just at the line. Ignatiev and Scarselli are close to being caught. Now Di Luca goes. Km 66: The break has gone through Marradi 3min 40sec ahead of the pack. The Maglia Rosa group goes over at 3 minutes after the front of the break, 40 seconds behind Basso and Garzelli. Training & Coaching Km 90, 85 km to go: As the pack goes through Capannori, Garmin and Columbia are at the front of the peloton, looking after their chances for a sprint finish in Florence. May 28, Thursday: Stage 18, Sulmona - Benevento, 182 km. Average speed for the first hour was 49.8 kph. Cheula and Visconti have been dropped by the break. Rabobank still at the front of the peloton and seemingly unworried about the break. Kiiyienka joined Scarponi on the descent but flatted. Average speed of the race so far is 37.027 kph. then comes Jens Voigt and Damiano Cunego. This is good for Basso and Leipheimer who prefer a steady fast pace rather than sharp jolts of speed. Facci went over first. Boasson Hagen gave a perfect lead out to Cavendish. Mixed terrain. High mountains with a hilltop finish. 50 km to go: The road has started to rise and dip a bit. Average speed for the race so far is 43.255 kph. 11 km to go: Popovych has just gone through Cagli 18 seconds ahead of Cunego. 20 km to go, 10 km before the start of the climb: Cunego has dropped Bosisio who seems to have had a mechanical. Facci isn't happy about that and wags a finger at Krivtsov. He's stopped. Menchov attacks Di Luca. Km 10: As the peloton goes through Sanbuceto, Bouygues Telecom escape artist Thomas Voeckler has decided to test his luck on a break. May 9, 2009. The gap is 1min 45sec. Cavendish didn't see any more chances for mass sprints in the remaining stages. The organizers are expecting average speeds of between 51 and 55 km/hr which means the elpased times should come in from 22min and 20sec to 24min. Now it's only 30sec. 11 km to go. There is now a break of 25 riders who are 1min 30sec ahead of the peloton. Di Luca group has been caught as they slow. News just came that Barloworld rider Juan Mauricio Soler has abandoned. the race is on the Bergamo loop that includes the Colle del Gallo. I don't think the sprinters want to let this one get away. They are together now. Cavendish wins the stage and Di Luca remains in pink. Ronde van Italië 2020 - virtueel: Parcours Ronde van Italië 2020 - virtueel: Deelnemers Giro d'Italia: Winnaars en records Doe mee met het Giro Wielerspel met €18.000 aan prijzen! 51 KPH! Km 20: Through Francavilla al Mare, the speeds seem to be rather high. 3 km to go: Voigt gives up and is caught. 2009 Giro d´Italia. Lovkvist is hanging on to the back of the lead group. They are caught. Menchov's Rabobanks must have been grateful for the gift of having another team control the race while they sat on. The break still has a nice rotating pace line. None of the other teams seem interested in helping LPR. Voeckler is caught. Km 53: At the crest of an unrated climb (Rionero Sannitico on the maps below) a group of about 21 riders has a gap. Look out! Di Luca goes again and takes Menchov and Pellizotti. May 9, Saturday: Stage 1, Lido di Venezia, 20.5 km. The finish: Garmin at the front at the beginning of the last kilometer. Tyler Farrar (Garmin-Slipstream) and Eros Capecchi (Fuji-Servetto) didn't start. Km 137, 66 km to go: The break has reached Ceprano. 6 km to go: Garmin is at the front, 3 of them. 50 km to go: The teams have been warned that visibility at the summit before the descent is very poor. News & Opinion, Bike Tech Essays Garzelli, Menchov and the others are at or near the front. We're about to start the Turchino. 34 km to go: Over the top of Monte Catria, the lead trio went over together with Carlstom crossing about 90 seconds later. Armstrong looked to be in no trouble. Mixed terrain. Grivko and Visconti have started to close in on Garzelli, 2min 38sec behind him. Kjell Carlstrom (Liquigas) is making a bid to get to the lead trio. D'Course gouf vum Russ Denis Menchov gewonnen, deen de Maillot Rose no dem CLM an der 12. At one point the break's lead was over 9 minutes. 35 km to go: Marzano has caught Isaichev and then dropped him. In edicola dal 15 maggio. Still LPR at the front of the chasing pack. Given Di Luca's ongoing aggression, I can't see how LPR will let them stay away. The speed is mercifully higher, but there is no racing. Their lead is currently 6min 32sec. Popovych has taken off. Km 5: 178 riders started in Forli today. 3 km to go: Pelizotti still looks good. A little bit after the summit the road down is a lot nicer than the road up. Cunego looks good. Average speed for the day so far is 42.369. He has caught Garzelli and Garzelli is struggling to catch his wheel. Yesterday Stefano Garzelli was lamenting (I think cursed might be a better translation for maledetto) his terrible day on the stage 5 ascent to Alpi di Susi where he lost almost 7 minutes. Edvald Boasson Hagen (Columbia) then went for the sprint and easily takes the stage. Gap remains at 2min. The finish: Michele Scarponi (Serramenti PVC-Diquigiovanni) was won stage 6. Lovkvist has made it up to the Maglia Rosa group after missing the split. He has 1min 15sec. Edvald Boasson Hagen took second place in the Ovado intermediate sprint, Isaichev having taken first place. 26 km to go: The crest of Monte Trebbio, the last climb of the day: The break has shattered and now it's Pauwels and Bertagnolli at the very front. He has 38sec. All coverage times and channels are open to change and confirmation before the race. Gap is 37sec. With Cavendish and Farrar having left the race, perhaps they hope again that their Robert Forster will have a good day in a mass sprint. 3 km to go: It's still McCartney and Cardenas. The riders in the break are taking very short pulls. An LPR rider is leading Di Luca with Leipheimer on his wheel. The pack is going 9 kph faster than Schroder. Garzelli was first over the Colle del Gallo. Riders in the break are in their small front rings. May 30, Saturday: Stage 20, Napoli - Anagni, 203 km. Armstrong was 6th, 43 seconds slower. Di Luca has to be hunting the 20 seconds time bonus for winning the stage. 54 kph. The break's lead is 22sec. The peloton is compact and riding under sunny skies. Now rain has started to fall on the race. 25 km to go: Cervelo is still at the front of the peloton, driving hard. Astana seems to be moving up now. He still has the San Carlo climb in front of him. 81 km to go: Still going slowly with LPR at the front. Now Sastre has taken off after Basso. It looks like the GC boys have dropped off. Basso is sitting right behind the LPR chasers. He's now finally got a real gap now on Menchov and Di Luca. Obviously the very hard ascent at the end of the stage is in their minds because it suits Di Luca to a "T". Sastre has caught Popovych and now Sastre has the 20sec time bonus for winning the stage in his sights. The next stop is Monte Nerone, rated as a first category climb (remember in the Giro this is the hardest rating, there is no Hors Category) and will be crested at km 157. Another break of 4 with Cardenas has also broken free of the peloton. Popovych (Astana) and Bosisio (LPR) are chasing Scarponi and Cunego. The break and the pack are both on the San Carlo. 3 km to go: Basso has gone to the front. Their lead is currently 3min 55sec. The gap to the break of 8 riders is 3min 11sec. They have gone over the second category Passo dell'Eremo 3min 26sec ahead of the pack. 35 km to go: Just before arriving at the city of Castellemare di Stabia and now the riders are on the coast. Km 58: Now it looks like Yaroslav Popovych, Danny Pate, Gabriele Bosisio and Michele Scarponi have put together a break. Scarponi went over the top of the Hochkrimml alone. Visconti is still with him. May 10, Sunday: Stage 2, Jesolo - Trieste, 156 km. Leipheimer seems to be on the back of the Maglia Rosa group. We'll have to wait for a report on the time gap. Km 123: Isaichev has a good lead, 6min 5sec. 10 km to go: Bjorn Schroder is not giving up. The gap is 2min 3sec. The pack crossed the sprint line 1min 50sec after the break. 172 riders departed today. Di Luca goes and Menchov closes up immediately. Now Basso and then Menchov and Di Luca have caught Cunego. They have about 15sec. Visconti took the intermediate sprint followed by Palumbo. 1min 28sec back: The remainder of the original break, Dion, Bellotti, Jeannesson, Gomez-Gomez, Carlstrom, Cataldo, Ardila, De Bonis and Voigt. Menchov easily beats Di Luca in the sprint. Km 65: Right now it's the Popovych group followed by the break of 21 riders at 22sec and the peloton at 53sec. Gap is 2min 56sec. Now the gap is 3min 40sec. Gap is at 4min 55sec. the best placed is Cadenas, 104min down. Find out the latest news, stage reports, race scores and expert analysis from the 2009 Giro d'Italia Stage 21. 45 km to go: Menchov goes, seemingly catching Di Luca by surprise. Di Luca is a few meters ahead of the chasers and has almost caught Pellizotti. Still 2 more climbs to go, Monte Catria and Monte Petrano. LPR is still working away at the front of the pack. Bell lap. Weather at Lienz, Austria at 1 PM local time: 66F (19C), partly cloudy with very little wind. Gap is 4min 15sec. 7 km to go: 2min. Mixed terrain with a hilltop finish. 20 km to go, 7 km to the start of the ascent: Getting close. As the riders passed through Altopascio they picked up their food musettes. It is really strung out. The Cardenas group is at 5min. Mee bis den 31. 6 km to go: They aren't catching Pellizotti. Menchov jumped ahead to near the front to keep an eye on the Liquigas team in case they had any mischief in mind. A good gap is quickly established. Forecast is for sunshine later in the day and a high of 89F (32C). Km 106: The Giro has arrived in Austria. It looks like a well-oiled machine. Quinziato of Liquigas is leading the peloton. In Ercolano and the real start of of the Vesuvius climb. 15 km to go: Basso has 19sec on the Menchov group. Andriy Grivko is trying to bridge the gap up to the break. Stage 0: Teams Presentation in Venice Full Results and Report. 3 km to go: Columbia has moved to the front for Cavendish. Km 80: Yup. Looks like Leipheimer is right with him. The gap to the Voeckler group is 1min 27sec. Even so, the attacks keep firing off the front. It's freshly paved and wide enough for a center line. They will surely get caught. Thursday, May 7: The teams entered in the Giro were presented to the press. Up in the break Cervelo Rider Philipe Deignan has taken off but he's not getting much of a gap. Sastre is doing all the work of leading Basso up the volcano. Leipheimer is in the front chase with Basso and De Luca. Arsmtrong's postion in the pack is a bit better. Now a fast descent and the ride to the top of Monte Petrano. Steady climb to a hilltop finish. Their lead is 3min 50sec. It's starting to rain further down the race course. There are a few Cervelo riders riding next to Rabobank. The gap has come down to 4 minutes. The peloton is going 6kph faster than Garzelli at the moment. Armstrong and a couple of teammates have moved to the front before the descent. Di Luca's speech was to apologize to the crowd for the slow speed, saying that the course was too dangerous to ride at high speed. The peloton is still rather large so the climbers haven't started throwing high heat yet. Popovych is dropped but is not giving up. At kilometer 55 a group of 5 escaped: Guillame Bonnafond, Vasili Kiryienka, Oscar Gatto, Michele Scarponi and Kaspar Klostergaard. The pack is splintering. 8 km to go: 23sec. Armstrong is still hanging on the back with a couple of teammates. None of the riders in the break is a GC threat. It's not OK." There is one Kazakh rider on the Astana Giro squad, Anthony Zeits. Km 40: The day's break seems to have been established. Garzelli has recaught Menchov and Di Luca. The break is coming apart and the field is only a minute back. Bam!!! Km 91: The lead is now 4min 10sec. Rabobank is right behind them with Menchov, happy to let the other teams keep things together. He's good at this sort of thing. Km 83: Now the the leaders' advantage is 3min 45sec. I don't even see any clip-ons on Lovkvist's bike, but he is wearng an aero helmet. Hoo Ha! The 16km time report must have been wrong. The gradient is almost 9 percent. 41 km to go: The leaders go through Vico Equense. Weather at Pescara at 1:00 PM local time: 84F (29C), sunny with wind from the north at 7 mph (11 kph). Rabobank seems to have taken their collective feet off the gas, probably a sportsmanlike move to let Leipheimer get back on.

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