Era chamado de "François" em francês, "Ferenc", "Ferencz" ou "Ferentz" em húngaro; no seu passaporte de 1874, o nome registrado era "Dr. Liszt Ferencz". Franz Liszt was a Hungarian composer, virtuoso pianist, conductor, music teacher, arranger, organist, philanthropist, author, nationalist and a Franciscan tertiary. From 1859 to 1867 he was officially, At a second concert on 13 April 1823, Beethoven was reputed to have kissed Liszt on the forehead. This program may come from a poem, a story or novel, a painting, or another source. He was greeted in Austrian and Hungarian aristocratic circles and also met Beethoven and Schubert. This anthology, commissioned by Anton Diabelli, includes 50 variations on his waltz by 50 different composers (Part II), Part I being taken up by Beethoven's 33 variations on the same theme, which are now separately better known simply as his Diabelli Variations, Op. Imperio austríaco; y falleció el ⦠Also showing experimental characteristics are the Via crucis of 1878, as well as Unstern!, Nuages gris, and the two works entitled La lugubre gondola of the 1880s. His students were scattered across the city and he often had to cover long distances. Most important for an understanding of his development is the article series "De la situation des artistes" ("On the situation of artists") which was published in the Parisian Gazette musicale in 1835. Realização de João Almeida para a SIC. Liszt's piano works are usually divided into two categories. Liszt also wrote essays about Berlioz and the symphony Harold in Italy, Robert and Clara Schumann, John Field's nocturnes, songs of Robert Franz, a planned Goethe foundation at Weimar, and other subjects. It is known from his letters that during the time of his youth there had been a collaboration with Marie d'Agoult. Ferdinand Hiller, a rival of Liszt at the time, was allegedly highly jealous of the decision made by the university. They were not pure symphonic movements in the classical sense because they dealt with descriptive subjects taken from mythology, Romantic literature, recent history, or imaginative fantasy. [35] He was buried on 3 August 1886, in the municipal cemetery of Bayreuth against his wishes. Franz Liszt partiu para Veneza, quando ficou sabendo que uma enchente do Dan�bio espalhara a ru�na pela Hungria. Józef Wieniawski, Franz Liszt Eserleri. [n 8] The original version of "Ich möchte hingehn" was certainly composed in 1844 or 1845; however, there are four manuscripts, and only a single one, a copy by August Conradi, contains the bar with the Tristan motif. Obrigado a se afastar da amada, recolhe-se ao isolamento. [53], Liszt wrote his two largest organ works between 1850 and 1855 while he was living in Weimar, a city with a long tradition of organ music, most notably that of J.S. Nato a Doborjan (oggi Raiding), Ungheria, il 22 ottobre 1811, dopo aver iniziato precocissimo lo studio del pianoforte con il padre Adam, funzionario del principe Esterházy, a undici anni Franz Liszt si trasferisce con la famiglia a Vienna dove può seguire lezioni di composizione con Salieri e di pianoforte con Czerny, uno dei più rinomati virtuosi dell'epoca. It has been debated to what extent he realized his promise, however. Tenía una salud y una personalidad frágiles. He wrote to the Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung, urging Kullak's sons to create an endowment for needy musicians, as Liszt himself frequently did. [n 17] This gave 48 names, including: Franz Liszt (Ferenc Liszt) adalah seorang komposer, pianis, pengaba, dan guru musik asal Hungaria pada abad ke-19. [20][21] Su lugar de nacimiento, el pueblo de Raiding (Condado de Sopron), pertenecía en su momento al Reino de Hungría. After a tour of the Balkans, Turkey, and Russia that summer, Liszt gave his final concert for pay at Yelisavetgrad in September. An example of the former is Valérie Boissier, the later Comtesse de Gasparin. Liszt's intent, according to Hugh MacDonald in The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, was for these single-movement works "to display the traditional logic of symphonic thought. The largest and best-known portion of Liszt's music is his original piano work. [19], In 1841, Franz Liszt was admitted to the Freemason's lodge "Unity" "Zur Einigkeit", in Frankfurt am Main. [5], In 1833, Liszt began his relationship with the Countess Marie d'Agoult. Considerado o maior pianista de sua �poca, aliou uma s�lida cultura musical e um gosto requintado e tornou-se um grande compositor orquestral. Finally, Liszt had ample time to compose and during the next 12 years revised or produced those orchestral and choral pieces upon which his reputation as a composer mainly rested. Liszt apaixona-se por uma aluna, Carolina, filha do Conde Saint Cricq, e as aulas se prolongam mais do que o normal. The relative obscurity of the vast majority of his works may be explained by the immense number of pieces he composed, and the level of technical difficulty which was present in much of his composition. Bach. Liszt's transcriptions of Schubert songs, his fantasies on operatic melodies and his piano arrangements of symphonies by Berlioz and Beethoven are examples from the second category. Liszt is credited with the creation of the symphonic poem. His piano works are often marked by their difficulty. One of them that was slated to be published under the pseudonym "Emm Prym" was about Liszt's own works. [8], During this period, Liszt read widely to overcome his lack of general education, and he soon came into contact with many of the leading authors and artists of his day, including Victor Hugo, Alphonse de Lamartine and Heinrich Heine. In most cases, the lyrics were in German or French, but there are also some songs in Italian and Hungarian and one song in English. Franz Liszt, 1844 ten sonra Kievâde tanıÅtıÄı çarın yardımcısının karısı Prenses Carolyne Sayn-Wittgenstein ile birlikte oldu ve sahne konserlerine son verdi. Debussy in later years described Liszt's pedalling as "like a form of breathing." There he met the Polish Princess Carolyne zu Sayn-Wittgenstein, who was to become one of the most significant people in the rest of his life. Nohl's catalog omitted, amongst others, Károly Aggházy and Agnes Street-Klindworth. [22] The reception that Liszt enjoyed, as a result, can be described only as hysterical. Carl Czerny claimed Liszt was a natural who played according to feeling, and reviews of his concerts especially praise the brilliance, strength, and precision in his playing. In 1871, the Hungarian Prime Minister Gyula Andrássy made a new attempt writing on 4 June 1871, to the Hungarian King (the Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph I), requesting an annual grant of 4,000 Gulden and the rank of a "Königlicher Rat" ("Crown Councillor") for Liszt, who in return would permanently settle in Budapest, directing the orchestra of the National Theatre as well as musical institutions. After the concerts, a group of wealthy sponsors offered to finance Franz's musical education in Vienna. "Les Jeux d'Eaux à la Villa d'Este" ("The Fountains of the Villa d'Este"), composed in September 1877, foreshadows the impressionism of pieces on similar subjects by Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel. During his years as a traveling virtuoso, Liszt performed an enormous amount of music throughout Europe,[47] but his core repertoire always centered on his own compositions, paraphrases, and transcriptions. Franz Liszt was a Hungarian pianist and composer of enormous influence and originality. Biografía de Franz Ritter von Liszt, más conocido únicamente como Franz Liszt, fue un músico, director de orquesta, profesor de música y compositor originario de Austria-Hungria. Liszt bore the expense of publishing the transcription himself and played it many times to help popularize the original score. [52] The pianist Cyprien Katsaris has stated that he prefers Liszt's transcriptions of the symphonies to the originals,[citation needed] and Hans von Bülow admitted that Liszt's transcription of his Dante Sonett "Tanto gentile" was much more refined than the original he himself had composed. An early example is the melodrama "Der traurige Mönch" ("The sad monk") after a poem by Nikolaus Lenau, composed at the beginning of October 1860. Com cinco anos Liszt come�ou a compor. In 1866, Liszt composed the Hungarian coronation ceremony for Franz Joseph and Elisabeth of Bavaria (Latin: Missa coronationalis). He spent the winter with the princess at her estate in Woronince. István Thomán, Franz Liszt biografia e composizioni. No pal�cio de Altenburg, apaixonado pela princesa Elizabeth Carolyne Ivanovska, Liszt comp�e sem parar e cria suas obras mais importantes: Poemas Sinf�nicos, Sonata em Si Menor e Fausto-Sinfonia. Examples for the first category are works such as the piece Harmonies poétiques et religieuses of May 1833 and the Piano Sonata in B minor (1853). Besides his musical works, Liszt wrote essays about many subjects. In addition to this, at the end of April 1834, he made the acquaintance of Felicité de Lamennais. Typically, he would arrive in mid-winter in Budapest. Wolff then went to Saint Petersburg. [51] He played many of them himself in celebrated performances. Regardless, Liszt regarded it as a form of artistic christening (. At least one also mentions his ability to keep absolute tempo,[40] which may be caused by his father's insistence on practicing with a metronome. Die offizielle Biografie von Franz Liszt. He gave up touring. [n 18] An example is Eugen d'Albert, who eventually was almost on hostile terms with Liszt. He left behind an extensive and diverse body of work that influenced his forward-looking contemporaries and anticipated 20th-century ideas and trends. He was born in what was then the Austrian Empire. Franz liszt biografia - Die qualitativsten Franz liszt biografia unter die Lupe genommen! [66], Liszt did not charge for lessons. Giovanni Sgambati, Some of his works are programmatic, based on extra-musical inspirations such as poetry or art. Adam Liszt, therefore, took his leave of the Prince's services. Piyano müziÄi: Annees de Pelerinage (Hac Yılları) 1836 ve 1855; Consolations (Avuntular) 1849, He was left immobilized for eight weeks after the accident and never fully recovered from it. On 9 May 1839, Liszt's and the countess's only son, Daniel, was born, but that autumn relations between them became strained. Depois de dois anos de estudos, sua primeira apresenta��o foi brilhante. Com 31 anos, a convite da imperatriz Alexandra Feodorovna, Liszt segue para R�ssia. The Russian government also impounded her several estates in the Polish Ukraine, which made her later marriage to anybody unfeasible. [citation needed], In spite of the conditions under which Liszt had been appointed as "Königlicher Rat", he neither directed the orchestra of the National Theatre nor permanently settled in Hungary. Oktober: Franz Liszt wird als einziges Kind von Georg Adam Liszt und dessen Frau Maria Anna Liszt (geb. Considerado o maior pianista de sua época, aliou uma sólida cultura musical e um gosto requintado e tornou-se um grande compositor orquestral. [60], Liszt attempted in the symphonic poem to extend this revitalization of the nature of musical discourse and add to it the Romantic ideal of reconciling classical formal principles to external literary concepts. He also inherited from Berlioz the diabolic quality of many of his works. [37][38] The critic Peter G. Davis has opined: "Perhaps [Liszt] was not the most transcendent virtuoso who ever lived, but his audiences thought he was. Liszt' or 'Dr. Julius Reubke, In these essays, he argued for the raising of the artist from the status of a servant to a respected member of the community. Franz Liszt was born to Anna Liszt (née Maria Anna Lager) and Adam Liszt on 22 October 1811, in the village of Doborján (German: Raiding) in Sopron County, in the Kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Empire. [citation needed] Liszt spoke very fondly of his former teacherâwho gave lessons to Liszt free of chargeâto whom Liszt dedicated his Transcendental Ãtudes. [...] [He] draws from the piano tones that are purer, mellower, and stronger than anyone has been able to do; his touch has an indescribable charm. The song "Ich möchte hingehn" is sometimes cited because of a single bar, which resembles the opening motif of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde. Moriz Rosenthal, In the mid-19th century, orchestral performances were much less common than they are today and were not available at all outside major cities; thus, Liszt's transcriptions played a major role in popularising a wide array of music such as Beethoven's symphonies. A catalog by Ludwig Nohl was approved and corrected by Liszt in September 1881. Karl Klindworth, Franz Liszt Biography. [citation needed] Liszt heard that plans for a Beethoven Monument in Bonn were in danger of collapse for lack of funds and pledged his support. Liszt es el creador del poema sinfónico, forma típica del romanticismo, y de ⦠Among Liszt's musical contributions were the symphonic poem, developing thematic transformation as part of his experiments in musical form, and radical innovations in harmony. On 4 January 1866, Liszt directed the "Stabat mater" of his Christus-Oratorio, and, on 26 February 1866, his Dante Symphony. [n 16] In a note he added the remark that he had taken the connotation of "student" in its widest sense. O diretor da escola recusa o aluno por ser estrangeiro. [29], The 1860s were a period of great sadness in Liszt's private life. Most of the concerts were shared with other artists and so Liszt also often accompanied singers, participated in chamber music, or performed works with an orchestra in addition to his own solo part. Von Liszt integra la corriente «causalista naturalista» en la teoría del delito, a la que también pertenece Ernst von Beling. En 1823 se trasladó a París junto a sus progenitores. Franz Liszt (Ferenc Liszt, en húngaro) (Raiding, Hungría, Imperio Austríaco, 22 de octubre de 1811 - Bayreuth, Baviera, 31 de julio de 1886) fue un pianista y compositor húngaro romántico. "As an artist, you do not rake in a million marks without performing some sacrifice on the altar of Art," Liszt told his biographer Lina Ramann. Franz Liszt Franz Liszt nació el 22 de octubre de 1811 en Raiding, cerca de Sopron. Nesse per�odo, apresenta recitais na Turquia, Dinamarca, Pol�nia, Portugal e Espanha. Unfortunately, this treatise has been lost. 22 października 1811 w Raiding, zm. Franz Liszt, the virtuoso pianist and composer, was the most famous concert superstar of the 19th century. Liszt told Friedheim that the time was not yet ripe to publish the manuscript, titled Sketches for a Harmony of the Future. Though friends and colleagues had noticed swelling in his feet and legs when he had arrived in Weimar the previous month (an indication of possible congestive heart failure), he had been in good health up to that point and was still fit and active. A prolific composer, Liszt was one of the most prominent representatives of the New German School (German: Neudeutsche Schule). It is often claimed that Liszt wrote that motif ten years before Wagner started work on Tristan in 1857. Desde 2008 trabalha na reda��o e revis�o de conte�dos educativos para a web. [2] He was a friend, musical promoter and benefactor to many composers of his time, including Frédéric Chopin, Charles-Valentin Alkan, Regina Watson, Richard Wagner, Hector Berlioz, Robert Schumann, Clara Schumann, Camille Saint-Saëns, Edvard Grieg, Ole Bull, Joachim Raff, Mikhail Glinka, and Alexander Borodin. [36], Many musicians consider Liszt to be the greatest pianist who ever lived. He found it at the monastery Madonna del Rosario, just outside Rome, where on 20 June 1863, he took up quarters in a small, spartan apartment. August Göllerich published a voluminous catalogue of them. Berlioz's music made a strong impression on Liszt, especially later when he was writing for orchestra. One of the most detailed descriptions of his playing from that time comes from the winter of 1831â32 when he was earning a living primarily as a teacher in Paris. Carl Lachmund, [7] Liszt fell very ill, to the extent that an obituary notice was printed in a Paris newspaper, and he underwent a long period of religious doubts and pessimism. [10], In 1833, he made transcriptions of several works by Berlioz including the Symphonie fantastique. [57] While showing extremely creative amendments to sonata form, Liszt used compositional devices such as cyclic form, motifs and thematic transformation to lend these works added coherence. Vera Timanova, To another who blurred the rhythm in Liszt's Gnomenreigen (usually done by playing the piece too fast in the composer's presence): "There you go, mixing salad again." Nato in Ungheria nel 1811 e avviato alla musica dal padre, Liszt divenne ben presto uno dei più importanti musicisti dellâOttocento. He had many discussions with the Abbé de Lamennais, who acted as his spiritual father, and also with Chrétien Urhan, a German-born violinist who introduced him to the Saint-Simonists. Franz Liszt, Hungarian form Liszt Ferenc, (born October 22, 1811, Doborján, kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Empire [now Raiding, Austria]âdied July 31, 1886, Bayreuth, Germany), Hungarian piano virtuoso and composer. The "Seligkeiten" of his Christus-Oratorio and his "Cantico del Sol di Francesco d'Assisi", as well as Haydn's Die Schöpfung and works by J. S. Bach, Beethoven, Jommelli, Mendelssohn, and Palestrina were performed. He is best known for his piano music, but he also wrote for orchestra and for other ensembles, virtually always including keyboard. As a consequence, his catalog includes names of pianists, violinists, cellists, harpists, organists, composers, conductors, singers, and even writers. [1] He was also a writer, philanthropist, Hungarian nationalist, and Franciscan tertiary. After his father's death in 1827, Liszt moved to Paris; for the next five years, he was to live with his mother in a small apartment. The Mass was first performed on 8 June 1867, at the coronation ceremony in the Matthias Church by Buda Castle in a six-section form. Biografia de Franz Liszt Franz Liszt (1811-1886) foi um músico húngaro. In letters to friends, Liszt announced that he would retreat to a solitary living. It developed into an important form of program music in the second half of the 19th century. Franz Liszt (1811-1886) foi um m�sico h�ngaro. During the years of his tours, Liszt gave only a few lessons, to students including Johann Nepumuk Dunkl and Wilhelm von Lenz. Franz Liszt era un pianista e compositore ungherese di enorme influenza e originalità. Liszt's strength and ability to stand out in this company was in mastering all the aspects of piano technique cultivated singly and assiduously by his rivals. After one or two concerts of his students, by the beginning of spring, he left. 31 lipca 1886 w Bayreuth) â wÄgierski kompozytor i pianista, jedna z najwybitniejszych postaci romantyzmu w muzyce. Hier können Sie die ganze Bio lesen und weitere spannende Infos zu Musik, Werk und Wirken von LANG LANG erhalten. (Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2006), Shulstad, Reeves, "Liszt's symphonic poems and symphonies", Motta, Cesare Simeone: Liszt Viaggiatore Europeo, Moncalieri, 2000 (, This page was last edited on 7 January 2021, at 15:47. He met Hector Berlioz on 4 December 1830, the day before the premiere of the Symphonie fantastique. Liszt nasceu em 21 de outubro de 1811 no vilarejo de Doborján (atual Raiding, Burgenland), então parte do Reino da Hungria, sob domínio Habsburgo, no comitato de Oedenburg. [n 3] In spring 1823, when his one-year leave of absence came to an end, Adam Liszt asked Prince Esterházy in vain for two more years. Candidato napole�nico ao trono h�ngaro, o pr�ncipe foi protetor de Joseph Haydn e de Ludwig van Beethoven. [n 19] Felix Draeseke, who had joined the circle around Liszt at Weimar in 1857, is another example. In most cases, the manuscripts have disappeared so that it is difficult to determine which of Liszt's literary works were actually works of his own. Carl Czerny, however, charged an expensive fee for lessons and even dismissed Stephen Heller when he was unable to afford to pay for his lessons. This atmosphere was fuelled in great part by the artist's mesmeric personality and stage presence. Meses depois a fam�lia volta para a Hungria, onde Liszt apresenta concertos em Budapeste. Em 1835, conhece a Condessa Marie d'Agoult, com quem fixa resid�ncia na Su��a, per�odo que deixou de lado o piano e se dedicou � composi��o. Some, such as Sigismond Thalberg and Alexander Dreyschock, focused on specific aspects of technique, e.g. Walter Bache, Pianist Arthur Friedheim, who also served as Liszt's personal secretary, remembered seeing it among Liszt's papers at Weimar. Frequently-played works include Weber's Konzertstück, Beethoven's Emperor Concerto, and Choral Fantasy, and Liszt's reworking of the Hexameron for piano and orchestra. [n 10], A symphonic poem or tone poem is a piece of orchestral music in one movement in which some extramusical program provides a narrative or illustrative element. [3], Franz Liszt was born to Anna Liszt (née Maria Anna Lager)[4] and Adam Liszt on 22 October 1811, in the village of Doborján (German: Raiding) in Sopron County, in the Kingdom of Hungary, Austrian Empire. By July 1840, the British newspaper The Times could still report: His performance commenced with Handel's Fugue in E minor, which was played by Liszt with avoidance of everything approaching meretricious ornament and indeed scarcely any additions, except a multitude of appropriate harmonies, casting a glow of color over the beauties of the composition and infusing into it a spirit which from no other hand it ever before received.[46]. Estabelece grande amizade com Fr�d�ric Chopin e conhece Niccol� Paganini, com quem aprende a import�ncia da atitude e do comportamento em cena. Questions have been posed as to whether medical malpractice played a part in his death.
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