clematis vivai specializzati

Opening rich rose, the six broad sepals gradually fade to bubblegum pink, but remain adorned by darker midribs. una rosa gialla con Clem. PASSIONE PIANTE Vivaio online: vendita piante da interno ed esterno P Iva IT07909800729 - C.F. 281025 - C.S. across (12-15 cm), that they cover the foliage entirely. The broad, overlapping petals have gently ruffled edges and their velvet sheen lasts almost as long as the flower itself. Acquistare da Clematis-Online vi offrirà: * Una garantita qualità, dato che le piante ed i rampicanti arrivano direttamente dal vivaio; * Un prezzo inferiore: circa il 25% più economico degli altri negozi per il giardinaggio o degli altri negozi online; * Una vasta scelta di (sempreverdi) piante e rampicanti, tra cui l’Edera/Rampicante e 30 tipi di Clematide (Clematis); While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; Clematis CLEMATIDE. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring and early summer, then in late summer and early fall. To use the website as intended please  Clematis 'General Sikorski' is a deciduous climber with large, mid-mauve blue flowers, 6-8 in. As the exquisite blooms mature, their silvery-blue central tepals gradually expand, creating a delightful multi-layered flower. Free-flowering, Clematis 'Crystal Fountain' produces masses of stunning violet-blue, semi-double flowers, 4-5 in. The foliage of mid-green ternate leaves holds up well all season. The flowers are followed by ornamental golden fluffy seedheads. Il Vivaio Noaro, attivo da oltre 40 anni e online dal 1999, si distingue da sempre per aver nel proprio catalogo oltre 2000 specie di piante.In particolare è possibile trovare una vasta gamma di rampicanti, anche rari, oltre che importanti raccolte di arbusti, piante profumate, fruttiere tropicali e subtropicali, agrumi e molte altre tipologie. The filaments are white tinged with pinkish to deep reds. Shade tolerant, this prolific and free-flowering clematis is ideal for scrambling through shrubs, such as rhododendrons or hydrangeas. Excellent when grown into small shrubs and roses. Offrono fioriture spettacolari che coprono un lungo periodo dell’anno. In tutti questi casi, ci troveremo di fronte alla domanda: quale rampicante utilizzare e come? Alternatively, leave clematis in this group unpruned, and then hard prune them to 30-90cm (1–3ft) from the base every three or four years in late winter (as for pruning group three). Post su vivai specializzati scritto da Massimo. Un vivaio giardino particolare, specializzato nella coltivazione di rose antiche e botaniche, ortensie, clematis, bulbi, dalie, bossi e viburni da collezione, meli e pruni da fiore. The gorgeous rosettes are occasionally tinged with green. The flowers give way to attractive seed heads, adding further interest to the plant. Shade tolerant, the compact habit of this large-flowered clematis makes it ideal for small gardens, containers. La strategia dell’Azienda risponde in modo ottimale all’evoluzione del mercato ed alle esigenze del consumatore, sempre più attento al consumo di prodotti salutari e realizzati nel rispetto dell’ambiente e della tradizione. Clematis 'General Sikorski' is a deciduous climber with large, mid-mauve blue flowers, 6-8 in. Se non trovi la pianta che stai cercando contattaci - Adriano 339.5896143 - Fabrizio 348.3156369 Because it is extremely good-looking, dependable, easy to grow, strong, adaptable to all sorts of garden uses. Vivaio specializzato nella coltivazione di Clematidi. (12 cm), adorned with elegant magenta central stripes and ruffled edges. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring or early summer, then in late summer and early fall. across (15-20 cm), adorned with chocolate brown anthers. //--> Branches are clad with attractive dark green leaves. Pair it with floribunda roses for great combinations. Climbing roses and clematis are perfect companions. This large-flowered clematis is so prolific that the magnificent blooms nearly conceal the green foliage. The flowers give way to attractive seed heads. //-->\n They surround and pleasantly contrast with a central boss of creamy-white to pale yellow anthers. Join now and start creating your dream garden! The flowers are followed by large, showy silver seedheads, which add further interest to the plant. Le Clematidi appartengono al genere “Clematis” che racchiude in sé molte specie oltre a centinaia di cultivars.. Sono tutte piante perenni che sopportano molto bene le basse temperature, anche sotto lo zero. document.write('<\/a>'); Blooming from late spring through most of the summer, this eye-catching clematis is a great choice for containers, small patios, or left to meander through shrubs. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring and early summer, then in late summer and early fall. Anche quest’anno durante l’evento di porte aperte, nel primo fine settimana di Maggio saranno protagoniste le fioriture delle molte varietà di Clematidi che abbiamo in collezione. Specializzazioni: giovani piante di latifoglie e co-nifere per rimboschimento, per vivai, per siepi e Pleasantly fragrant, Clematis 'Fujimusume' is a compact early large-flowered hybrid, which gets covered with a profusion of impressively large, periwinkle blue, star-shaped flowers, up to 8 in. La Clematis è una pianta erbacea perenne facente parte della famiglia delle Ranunculaceae. They also complement one another. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring to mid summer, then in late summer to early fall. Il Clematis vitalba è una pianta perenne a foglia caduca con fusto legnoso, lianoso, rampicante. White filaments with purple tips and anthers coordinate perfectly with the petals. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. Star-shaped, they may be single, semi-double or double and are available in a wide range of colors. wide (12 cm). Regarded as one of the biggest white clematis, Clematis 'Henryi' is a large, vigorous deciduous climber with huge, luminous, pure white flowers, 6-8 in. Elegant, Clematis 'Asagasumi' is a moderately vigorous large-flowered clematis variety with luminous, pearly white flowers, 5-6 in. Regarded as one of the best pink double clematis, 'Josephine' is a vigorous large-flowered clematis with particularly attractive blooms, 5 in., Come inserire una Clematide nel nostro spazio verde. piante clematis in stock. Ricordami. When the outer sepals fall away, the flowers still add interest with their tuft of silvery-mauve petaloids left. As climbers, Clematis are unsurpassed in their long flowering presence, their rich diversity of flower shapes, their wide array of colors and tolerances in terms of exposure and climate. Shade tolerant, this compact, large-flowered clematis is ideal for small gardens, containers and looks terrific when combined with small shrubs. Le collezioni di rose antiche e moderne, le clematis e le altre varietà in vendita. Superfi ci coperte e scoperte 85.000 m2. Clematis vitalba across (12-15 cm), adorned with paler pink bars and yellow stamens. blu o viola scuro), Leggi tutto: Come inserire una Clematide nel nostro spazio verde, © Copyright 2013 - Vivaio Le Clematis di Daniela Di Stefano - All rights reservedVia Fresine Vasciotte 38, 03013 Ferentino (FR) | P.Iva 02667670604Cell. Logos Publishing Srl - P.IVA e C.F. The blooms gracefully unfurl from a tight central ball to create an elegant, multi-layered pom-pom. Clematis always called the "Queen of Vines" makes a spectacular show in full bloom. Vendita piante da giardino), piante da arredamente, piante da interni, piante da appartamento. across (13-20 cm), with a wide, deep reddish-pink central bar and prominent, light chocolate anthers. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring to early summer, then in late summer to early fall. They give way to attractive globular seedheads. Regarded by many as one of the best red clematis ever produced, Clematis 'Rebecca' produces an abundance of large, velvety, deep vibrant red flowers, up to 5-7 in. Le Clematis CLEMATIDE la cui notazione scientifica corretta è Clematis x (il x indica l’incrocio) in quanto sono delle specie orticole ottenute per ibridazione dalle specie tipo (specie botaniche naturali). The Early Large-Flowered clematis group derives mostly from three Asian species: Clematis patens, Clematis florida and Clematis lanuginosa. Tutte le Clematis erbacee sono adatte alla coltivazione in bordi misti o per formare ampie macchie sotto alberi e arbusti. Foglie imparipennate con 3-5 foglioline lanceolate o ovali, a margine dentato. ), ecco quindi che in molti casi  la Clematis viene a sostituire o ad integrare quelle piante. document.write('span>'); Blooming in late spring to early summer and late summer to early fall, this vigorous and extremely floriferous Clematis vine won the prestigious Award of Garden Merit of the Royal Horticultural Society for its noteworthy qualities. document.write(''); Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring to early summer, then from midsummer to early fall. //--> This graceful clematis is perfect for meandering over fences, trellises, pergolas or through free-standing shrubs. A gardener's favorite since its introduction in 1875, Clematis 'Belle of Woking' always attracts compliments. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring or early summer, then in late summer and early fall. var addy52781 = 'info' + '@'; Login. Resembling dahlias, the flamboyant flowers count up to 8 broad creamy-green and pinkish-mauve outer sepals, adorned with a dark pink center stripe. across (15-25 cm). Fanno parte di questo genere circa 200 specie di piante differenti, dalla natura rustica, rampicante o sempreverde. Perfect as a climber along trellis, arbors and fences too. Even after the pollen is shed and the dark reddish-brown anthers lose their color, the connectives are still red, maintaining an impressive depth of color through a long period of fading down. Check these Great Plant Combination Ideas with Clematis, Native Plant Alternatives to Clematis paniculata (Sweet Autumn Clematis), A Super Climbing Duo with Crimson Roses and Purple Clematis, A Cheerful Border Idea with Monarda, Clematis and Artemisia, A Super Climbing Trio with Clematis 'Ville de Lyon', A Super Climbing Duo with Clematis 'The President', A Super Climbing Trio with Clematis and Roses, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B, A2, A3. They hold their color well all season. Excellent when combined with roses. As the blooms mature, they fade to creamy white and contrast pleasantly with the prominent yellow anthers. Vogliamo di seguito contribuire con questo nostro articolo, ad una più profonda conoscenza di questo genere di rampicanti, permettendo di apprezzarne le peculiarità nel loro insieme. The branches are clad with attractive mid-green leaves. Freely produced, the flowers are so profuse that they literally obscure the foliage. Il genere delle Clematis è annoverabile tra quelli meno conosciuti quando si pensa ad arredare uno spazio verde e per questo anche meno impiegato, ma laddove viene piantata con cognizione corretta delle sue caratteristiche dà esaltanti soddisfazioni. E-commerce per ordinare tra oltre 400 cultivar, con spedizioni in tutta Italia. Each individual flower lasts up to 4 weeks. Shade tolerant, this compact, large-flowered clematis is ideal for small gardens, containers and looks terrific when combined with small shrubs with golden foliage, Incredibly glamorous, Clematis 'Diamantina' is a deciduous climber which produces a profusion of stunning purple-blue, double flowers, 6 in. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here. You should dig the hole large enough to accommodate the plant, with most recommendations suggesting at least a two foot depth of soil amended with compost prior to planting. In the first year after renovation, they will only flower once. Their flowers are incredibly large, 6-10 in. Da oggi fino all'11 maggio sarà possibile osservare e acquistare tantissime meravigliose clematidi al "vivaio le Clematidi" a … Very free-flowering, Clematis 'Alaina' produces masses of plump, pink flowers, up to 6 in. across (15-20 cm), with a tinge of red on the center of each sepal and prominent creamy-yellow stamens. An instant sensation since its introduction in 1975, Clematis 'Niobe' features large, velvety, deep ruby-red flowers, 6 in. Le Clematis sono piante diffuse in natura anche in Europa e in Italia. The Herbaceous Clematis group contains wonderful herbaceous... Use our interactive toolsto design your dream garden. Vivai Dendrofl or dr. Paolo Ansaloni - Via Andreoli, 8 - 40068 Idice (Bologna) - Tel. Shade tolerant, this clematis is ideal for arbors, trellises, pergolas and other garden structures. Quando sono in fiore gli ellebori è sempre un momento di gioia. Consultazione dei gruppi di clematidi, foto e descrizione di ogni fiori. Freely produced over a long period, the blooms are so profuse that they often cover the attractive foliage of green leaves. CARATTERISTICHE BOTANICHE Arbusto rampicante (2-3 m d’altezza) e sempreverde, con portamento sarmentoso e crescita medio-veloce. This showy large-flowered clematis is ideal for arbors, trellises, pergolas and other garden structures. 42.200 Euro strada Curtatona n.5/2, 41126 Modena (MO), Italia Ideal for small gardens! Accept Also ideal for growing in a container near the patio when the elegant beauty of its flowers can be admired. Progettazione, restauro e arredamento di giardini. across (15-20 cm), with a tinge of red on the center of each sepal and prominent creamy-yellow stamens. Vivai MGF a Pistoia. La scelta della taglia così come il la determinazione del costo di produzione non è di immediata interpretazione. The flowers, 3-4 in. Cerchi piante e fiori? Note this is the default cart. A durable and long-live large-flowered variety, Clematis 'Doctor Ruppel' produces masses of particularly beautiful, delicately ruffled, pale pink flowers, up to 5-8 in. They usually bloom in two waves. Flowering from late spring through most of the summer, the individual flowers last for up to 4 weeks. Extremely floriferous, this hardy, large-flowered clematis is ideal for arbors, trellises, pergolas and other garden structures. 339.7464676 | Tel. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring and early summer, then in late summer and early fall. They surround a rosette of small inner ones of similar coloring. across (15 cm), with pointed to rounded petals. The branches are clad with attractive, mid-green ovate leaves. A gardener's favorite since its introduction in 1897! Each bloom bears 6 broad, pointed sepals, sometimes slightly paler along their midribs, which contrast nicely with the creamy-yellow stamens. The first flush of flowers in late spring are usually double or semi-double with the second in late summer being single. Clematis 'Belle of Woking' is a deciduous vine which produces a profusion of large, star-shaped, fully double, silvery-mauve flowers, up to 6 in. 'Piilu' is also noted for being one of the heaviest blooming Clematis. Nome utente dimenticato? Pagamento sicuro Il nostro consiglio è di usarle sia in abbinamento che isolate, per un treillage, un obelisco isolato, su di una recinzione o parete, laddove non è richiesto un effetto coprente totale, sia  con delle rose, creando con queste delle nuance di colore molto apprezzate (es. Shade tolerant, the compact habit of this large-flowered clematis makes it ideal for small gardens or containers. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring to early summer, then in late summer to early fall. var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; 0775.246288 | Email: The ravishing blossoms carry many layers of broad and pointed tepals that gradually fade to a luminescent silvery blue. Password dimenticata? 02313240364 - REA Modena No. One of the most popular Clematis ever, 'Nelly Moser' is a deciduous vine which gets covered with a profusion of impressively large star-shaped flowers, up to 8 in. In cooler climates, this plant blooms non stop from late spring through early fall. Foto e descrizione delle caratteristiche di ogni rosa presente nel nostro catalogo. Repeat-flowering over a long season, Clematis 'Rosemoor' is a compact deciduous climber with large, purplish red flowers, 6 in. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring to early summer, then in late summer to early fall. They bloom in, The foliage of these clematis is prone to. document.write(''); Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring to early summer, then in late summer and early fall. Irrigare in abbondanza nel periodo estivo e fertilizzare moderatamente in primavera con concime organico a lenta cessione. across (10-12 cm), adorned with a fountain-like center packed with silvery-mauve petaloid stamens. 'Ruutel' means 'knight' in Estonian. Vivaio Noaro, il vivaio online. Excellent when grown into large shrubs needing summer interest. Adding a touch of elegance to the garden, Clematis 'Duchess of Edinburgh' is a deciduous climber with luminous, fully double, pure white flowers, 4-6 in. Sono molto delusa ho diverse clematis tutte bellissime e dopo averne sentito decantare la bellezza ho piantato vicino ad una rosa pierre de ronsard una multi blue ,ma con mia meraviglia di blu non ho visto nulla è uscito un fiore di media grandezza di un insipido color lilla ,è veramente così la multi blue? Create a membership account to save your garden designs and to view them on any device. In frazione Portacomaro Stazione ad Asti, questi vivai dispongono di una collezione di circa 240 varietà di Clematis che costituiscono la punta di diamante della produzione. C. Jackmanii group 'Jackmanii': tra la più popolare delle Clematis. Members of the Ranunculaceae family, Clematis include more than 300 species, hundreds of hybrids and are divided into 12 main groups, each with consistent flower size, blooming season, pruning and garden use characteristics. across (12-18 cm), adorned with a wispy boss of creamy-yellow stamens at their center. To create additional collections, you must be a paid member of our site. Queste piante perenni di tipo arbustivo, volubile o rampicante possono essere alte (o lunghe nel caso di specie lianose) fino a diversi metri. Flowering comes in two waves: first in late spring and early summer, then in late summer and early fall. document.write('

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