werewolf: the apocalypse tribe quiz

I have a good knack for remembering good stories (like the time when my buddy shot milk out through his nose. The game was the second to integrate the fictional universe in a game system (the Storyteller System ) which had been introduced in the Vampire: The Masquerade line, released earlier in the year. The Fianna are one of the Tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. Everything seems fairly normal. Philodox Suddenly, from somewhere nearby, you hear a blood curdling howl, followed by several others. The Kin of the Fianna in the northernmost counties of Eireann now lead the vicious campaign between the Irish Republican Army and British Forces, as well as Protestant paramilitary groups still loyal to the Crown; and of course, the Garou of that area have also been dragged into the fight. The Fianna have had a few good allies in their history; and yet it would seem they were destined to lose them all. Get of Fenris A treaty with the Silver Fangs ensured that no Fang would ever claim a Caern on Ireland, while the Fianna would in return accept the sovereignty of House Winter Snow in Britain. They say, and you realize what is happening. 21. Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition. When it comes to dating, I have very picky tastes. Sea water levels rising and acidifying. And Im pretty sure my parents wouldnt like it if I dated just anyone. Once, thetribes human blood was entirely Native American. Find All The Role Playing Games Pages Here. fee-ann'-uh Lazar of Stygia. They are the only tribe to have mastered this art, and for this reason they have an unsettling air about them that tends to disturb other Garou. Choose wisely. In a game design sense, certain verbs define the tribes as an expectation of gameplay. In fact they dislike humans so much, they absolutely hate being in human form, and avoid it whenever possible. More often than not, a Strider in a group is found in a pack composed of many tribes. Fiann Be sure to explain what the Traits mean and, Before players create their characters, discuss what kind of, pack they'd like to play and which role each character might, of each auspice" or "no more than one member of any tribe. 3 They havecharged themselves to guard theresting places of many powerful Banes, and some fear that this association taints the tribe. seye'-lunt striy'-durz The first question is below. Fianna tend to be among the more extroverted Garou, rarely turning down an invitation to let their hair down and indulge in their favorite pleasures. Encourage the players to give their characters, the players. Now, the only grasp a werewolf can trust is their own pack." Its all about perspective! Take this quiz and find out if you would survive the werewolf apocalypse! The Fianna never feel more alive than they do at Beltane: good fights, good drinks, and good lovers. They havecharged themselves to guard theresting places of many powerful Banes, and some fear that this association taints the tribe. You are sometimes very detached from the world while caught up in your own mind. Its very likely that you were completely unaware of your familys nature as Kinfolk (or of your Garou parents nature). Pronounce In the old days, when much of the land was undeveloped and Caerns were still surrounded by vast areas of wilderness, Winters were hard for the Caerns and those that lived in them. Because they are wanderers, the Silent Striders have the fewest caerns of any tribe, and the few that exist tend to be along roads or popular points of travel. Find All The Role Playing Games Pages Here. under which she was born. Maybe hybrid? Mobile Users: 1st Question What is your Games & Toys IQ? WebWerewolves are outsiders in a way that few humans have ever experienced directly. However, this may be for the best, because for some reason White Wolf decided that the Silver Fangs were also hopelessly inbred, not only weakening them physically, but often making them varying degrees of insane. Strawberry Fishsticks 1 10 You wake up one morning very early and look outside. ", formed the pack. All rights reserved. You have a bad habbit of speaking in metaphores and riddles. Samhain, All Hallows Eve, Halloween dont let last the name fool you, the Fianna do not celebrate Halloween like the humans do. Before you write down a single word or darken a single dot, you need to develop a character concept. It takes a village to raise child, a village that should be made of equals. Disclaimer. Judges and lawkeepers, they adjudicate challenges between Garou and often serve as final arbiters. What they dont all agree on, though, is what to do about it. Take this quiz and find out if you would survive the vampire apocalypse! You can keep up withour full tabletop game coverage here,and subscribe to The Character Sheet, ComicBook.com's new YouTube channel covering all tabletop RPG news. I always obeyed my parents, since they had power over me (Unless you count that time I snuck out the window). Im kind of a moody person, prone to violent swings of emotion. Whatever the case, invoking Gifts is effectively asking a spirit to intervene on ones behalf. more. sterile and either deformed or insane (sometimes both). Strawberry Fishsticks 1 10 You wake up one morning very early and look outside. While Lestat-loving role-playing gamers of the 90s were busy playing White Wolfs Vampire: The Masquerade, gamers who craved action were busy playing Werewolf: The Apocalypse. to perpetuate their kind and breed healthy (and fertile) offspring. I like getting in on the newest trends of society, for better or worse. Strongly based on Celtic and European traditions, they are known among the Garou for their passions for the pleasure of life, their skills and ferocity in battle, and as keepers of the music, stories, and lore of the Garou. Political powers in an infinite cycle of saber-rattling and war, endlessly creating refugees which militarized authoritarian police forces victimize with abandon. It simply happens, and the details of how are a tribal secret. The Silent Striders allied themselves with the Osirian League to stop the Antediluvian Sutekh, a vampire of immense power and deeply tainted by the touch of the Corruptor. If you can manage to create one of these guys, they often bring a fascinating character conflict to any group. Once they fought to avert the Apocalypse. In simplest terms, a tribe is any number of werewolves who are pledged to a patron spirit. (Grandpa, you really couldnt have walked uphill BOTH ways!). You must choose your, character's breed (species), her auspice (role in Garou society), and her tribe (the group that claims her as a member). The Silent Striders appear to have roots in Africa and the Middle East. Would You Survive the Werewolf Apocalypse? In recent decades,the Uktena have begun to breed with other races. For some reason, you can't seem to go back to sleep, though the full moon still sits in the sky, not quite faded by the light of the rising sun. *< POTATOES!!!!!! Take this quiz and find out if you would survive the werewolf apocalypse! Fianna The Garou try to track all, descendants and relatives (wolf and human) to locate potential, First Change (either from observation or happenstance), they, bring that one into their tribe to teach them about who and. Nomadic, introspective, and highly spiritual, the Silent Striders have plumbed the depths of the Umbra, perhaps more deeply than any other tribe of Garou. If I give my word to someone, I will not break it for anything. I dont want to blow your mind, but this is not as much fun to play as you might initially think. Lorekeepers and Talesingers,they remember Garou historyand teach it through their impassioned tales. They are renowned as lusty for both battle and celebration. 3) Silent Striders. Maybe hybrid? Choose wisely. 6. 11. You are often chosen for leadership positions due to your objectivity and ease with dealing with tough impartial decisions. Much like vampires and their clans, these werewolves were divided into tribes, each with its own powers, goals, and issues. You work best with subterfuge and guile. more. Garou must breed with humans and wolves. You are temramental and very passionate, especially in an artistic way. The Gauntlet things greatly on Samhain, but the things that come through are not the type of thing any Garou in their right mind would ever want in the Realm. Calling you a coward is akin to suicide. In others, several children in a single generation, might experience the First Change. Now, in the 5th edition of Werewolf: the Apocalypse, they struggle to survive it. Nomadic, introspective, and highly spiritual, the Silent Striders have plumbed the depths of the Umbra, perhaps more deeply than any other tribe of Garou . Plus, the Children of Gaia are the self-appointed peacekeepers between the various werewolf tribes, most of whom hate each another for one reason or another; this is often a very useful character to add to a Werewolf: The Apocalypse gaming group. As the iconic Vampire: The. Give them time to make complete, flesh-and-blood, characters with personalities, goals, hopes and dreams. Im definitely a people watcher. Strongly based on Celtic and European traditions, they are known among the Garou for their passions for the pleasure of life, their skills and ferocity in battle, and as keepers of the music, stories, and lore of the Garou. A Garou is not bound to join the tribe of their ancestry; a cub, for example, may not meet the standards expected of a tribe and is therefore unacceptable as a member. Contents 1 History 1.1 Early History 1.2 Dark Ages no risk refund guarantee Unfortunately, as I mentioned when describing the Silver Fangs, werewolves dont really have much of a political structure for the Shadow Lords to secretly plot to take over. WebThe Silent Striders are one of the tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. As mentioned above, Werewolf is a game primarily about rage-fueled, fur-covered murder machines, killing all the evil things they can get their claws and fangs on. White Wolf Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Each lost member is hold up as a cautionary tale against falling to deep into one of these pursuits and losing sight of the greater good of the Nation. Children of Gaia The Wendigo are the only Garou tribe composed primarily of Native American members, but a few have bred outside their traditional lineages.The Wendigo resent the other tribes presence in North America, and they guard their caerns from all others. More than any other White Wolf gamemore than almost any other RPG ever, reallyWerewolf: The Apocalypse is about combat. Galliard Anyway, in a role-playing game where 93% or so of the characters hate cities, technology, computers, and every other aspect of modern society, having a Glass Walker in the group, offering his/her resourceslike a car, and/or access to the internetis almost essential to accomplishing anything. I feel that I am fiercely independent and sure of myself. A Garou with low Renown may have difficulty convincing a spirit to lend them its Gifts; a Garou with high Renown may be courted by packs seeking bold action against the tragedies of a world in Apocalypse or may find themselves undermined by bitter rivals who resent young upstarts challenging their own legends. The Striders profited from the road network of the Roman empire, but preferred the wilds to civilization. If any players are unfamiliar with Werewolf, spend, time filling them in on the setting and rules basics. You find it easy to enchant people with your tales, weather they are true or not. Garou Nation You know, when it comes down to it, Id rather be vice president. 4. Plural You wake up one morning very early and look outside. In their tribal homeland of Egypt, the Silent Striders were among the few tribes still on terms with some of the remaining Fera following the genocides of the War of Rage. Will you leave a comment and/or follow me?? In recent decades,the Uktena have begun to breed with other races. 17. Faction The bad news is that this has brought the Uktena in contact with the Wyrm a great deal, to the point where it seems to be infecting them. All 14 Werewolf Tribes of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, Ranked. For some reason, you can't seem to go back to sleep, though the full moon still sits in the sky, not quite faded by the light of the rising sun. Rare is the Silent Strider who does not have at least one wraith tagging along as he travels. measure of his bravery and battle ability, Honor gauges his ability, to live according to the ethics of his kind, and Wisdom represents, discuss the game's basic premise and themes (specifically those, you wish to explore ) . The Uktena are the most mysterious and mystical of the tribes. 24 Verso BR), Silent Striders (3 Ed. In a game design sense, certain verbs define the tribes as an expectation of gameplay. Agree Disagree No preference I feel that I am fiercely independent and sure of myself. Strongly based on Celtic and European traditions, they are known among the Garou for their passions for the pleasure of life, their skills and ferocity in battle, and as keepers of the music, stories, and lore of the Garou. Explore the myths and monsters of Europes last primeval wilderness. Choose wisely. Nowadays, though, its more likely Banes or Wyrm Spirits that they fight, or even the servants of the Weaver trying to fortify the Gauntlet. 3) Silent Striders. In this RPG, the Werewolves are fighting to keep the evil forces of the Wyrm from corrupting the planet and kicking off the apocalypse. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. ?. The game was the second to integrate the fictional universe in a game system (the Storyteller System ) which had been introduced in the Vampire: The Masquerade line, released earlier in the year. You like to play tricks, especially when to teaches someone a lesson. In my ranking of Vampire: The Masquerade clans, I put the Ventrue at #1, because theyre the nobility of the vampire world. 60-61). When Malcom "Wyrm-mocker" Sutton died, the Brotherhood stopped playing in Kinfolk politics. The Red Talons are almost the complete opposite of Glass Walkers; not only do they loathe humanity, theyre almost always wolves, with the ability to turn human (as opposed to the other way around). WebTribes Overview - Werewolf The Apocalypse. In simplest terms, a tribe is any number of werewolves who are pledged to a patron spirit. Yes, it's perfectly viable to play a former soldier with, Mental Attributes as primary (a genius tactician) or an artist with, Physical in the primary slot (a dancer, perhaps). One of two Native American tribes of werewolves, the Wendigo have a chip on their fuzzy shoulders about Europeans colonizing their way onto the continent and bringing the taint of the Wyrm along with them (this distrust actually extends to European-based werewolf tribes, as well). WebWerewolves are outsiders in a way that few humans have ever experienced directly. You are a very spiritual and mystical person. Everything seems fairly normal. Slowly, the woman walks behind you. The last of the old year's brew is shared, and the first of the new year's as well. 20. The three breeds are homid (born to humans), lupus (born, to wolves) and metis (born from the union of two Garou). When they returned to the lands of mortals, they were twisted and malign versions of their former selves. The Glass Walkers have adapted more closely to city life than every other tribe (except the Bone Gnawers), andthey are not considered trust worthy.Glass Walkers tend to gravitate toward high technology, high finance and the criminal underworld. Although the Silent Striders were aware of the Pure Ones long before many of their European brethren, they had always respected the territorial boundaries. That was great!). The question for werewolves is, if the world is dying and the people responsible for killing it are gleefully pillaging the corpse, now what? tertiary) . Within the lore of the game, some Get of Fenris members had joined the Nazi party during World War II, leading to a vicious civil war within that faction. Web7,914 views Jan 30, 2022 A brief overview of the 13 remaining tribes of Gaia from the tabletop roleplaying game, Werewolf: the Apocalypse. 5) Wendigo. Strawberry Fishsticks 1 10 You wake up one morning very early and look outside. Then theres the other unfortunate news: The Uktena are the primitive mysticism-obsessed Native American tribe. For this reason, they shun their Metis, and a Fiann that finds himself maimed beyond even a Garou's healing powers is avoided. Seriously, this is a race of werewolves who spend their time sifting through peoples trash for food and sleeping in the streets. WebA tribe is the "family" of a Garou, determining a werewolf's social ties, totem, and spiritual connections. All three are traits that, according to the Tribe, set them apart from the rest of the Nation. White Wolf Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Intense Curiosity: Willpower roll Difficulty 8 when called for by a ST. You were born human and raised by human parents. to discover the system's intricacies on their own. Once you've decided on a concept, you must make three, choices to support that concept. The Uktena are the most mysterious and mystical of the tribes. This may be a controversial pick. You were born a wolf and raised in the wilds among wolves. 3 All. Falcons Grasp, Lambent Flame, Sense Wyrm. You, may choose to apply seven dots to your character's Mental, Attributes, five to his Social Attributes and three to his, Physical Attributes, for example. In Gaul, now known as France, were the Hounds of the Horned One, in the mountainous areas of Europe were the Skysingers, in the Balkans were the Night Claws, and, the most predominant of all, the Fierce Ones known also as the Fianna, who called the western isles of England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland home. Games & Toys Poll: Werewolf the Apocalypse Auspice Quiz. Please note that the Fianna are pretty terrible, but are still only ranked #9 in this list. As you progress through the character-creation, or wants, but it gives you a starting point. 2. Any involvement now is on a case-by-case basis. Tribe also imparts special spiritually mandated benefits and restrictions a favor and a ban, something with which the werewolf gains proficiency from their spirit patron as well as a vow to uphold a certain way of life or attitude. You are also not limited in, how many dots you may assign to any one Attribute (in the, preceding case, you could apply all three dots in your Physical, at one dot and Dexterity at four). The Wendigo are great fighters, but also have impressive stealth ability, which basically makes them werewolf ninjas. Beltane is also the traditional time of year for Challenge for Righ of a Sept or for any other position within it. I really only feel comfortable around my friends, and we have an established pecking order. priorities might prompt you to alter your focus or intent. This is accurate based off the eearch of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. Until you were almost full-grown (two years or so), you were unaware of your true nature as a werewolf. The Get of Fenris is likely the group that has abandoned the other tribes, with the Stargazers had withdrawn from the Garou Nation in past editions to align themselves with the Beast Courts. This prevents conflicts within a sept during time of war. This is accurate based off the eearch of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. Mainly because theres not much of a werewolf political arena. The Fianna believe that deformities mirror some spiritual corruption. Garou must breed with humans and wolves to perpetuate their kind and breed healthy (and fertile) offspring. WebThe Fianna are one of the Tribes found in Werewolf: The Apocalypse. White Wolf noted that the new edition of Werewolf: The Apocalypse is a "re-imagining" of the game as opposed to a continuation of the game's lore, and players should expect some big changes as a result. James Gunn Reveals New Superman, Batman Movies and More, with a first look at the upcoming Fifth Edition of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, You can check out the full update to Werewolf: The Apocalypse's lore here, New Werewolf: The Apocalypse Edition Will Be "Re-imagining" and Not Continuation of Lore, Biggest Video Games Releasing in March 2023, Metroid Prime Remastered Developer Wants to Work on Remasters for the Rest of the Trilogy, PS5 Reportedly Topping Xbox Series X/S Sales by Nearly Double, Leaked Apex Legends Solos Game Mode Sounds Too Good to Be True, Steam Deck Adds Support for 2020's Most Divisive Game, Controversial Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Owlbear Doric Figure Has Launched, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC Leak Reveals Several Returning Pokemon. Silver Fangs You don't have to reveal your actual, plans for stories, simply give guidance on the kind of stories you, want to run. 22. Red Talons You don't, need to bring them up to speed on everything, though, since a. new character won't know much more than the new player does. As humanity encroached more and more on the world, the magic that kept them alive lessened, and the Fae fled through the gateway to Arcadia in order to keep their immortal lives. Silent Striders The creature suddenly lunges at you. 24. Im not sure why. The Uktena are trying to use the Wyrms dark powers against it, but this freaks the other werewolf clans out. In recent decades,the Uktena have begun to breed with other races. As noted, previously, you can still modify your basic concept, and Attribute. Once, thetribes human blood was entirely Native American. More than any other White Wolf gamemore than almost any other RPG ever, really Werewolf: The Apocalypse is about combat. Fun stuff! Now she spends her time looking out for the other, runaways, since no one else will." Each tribe (through their Patron Spirit) is associated with a particular aspect of Renown. The location of this moot changes with every occurrence, though such events are usually held on a desolate stretch of untraveled road. The very first Werewolf: The Apocalypse video game is available on PC, Mac and Linux. Even when werewolves do breed with, humans or wolves, the offspring rarely breeds true. You hear a loud snarl as the creature stalks it's way towards you. Find All The Games & Toys Pages Here. You believe dreams and visions can hold clues to the future. You often find yourself playing the devil's advocate. Test Your Games & Toys knowledgewith these Werewolf the Apocalypse Auspice Quiz Quizzes More Fun With SelectSmart: Cast your vote! The curse took one year to scatter the Silent Striders to the four corners of the earth, forcing them to abandon most of their caerns and making them homeless vagabond in the eyes of their peers. The rightful rulers of the Garou Nation, they preserve impeccable breeding through both their lupine and human lineages. Silent Striders have learned many secrets of both the physical and spiritual worlds in their travels. Garou are under less, pressure to breed in the end times, since nobody truly believes. Your character begins with each Attribute at one dot. Turns out its hard to go on an adventure when youre getting murdered every 10 minutes of gameplay. Werewolf: The Apocalypse Earthblood - Official Gameplay Overview Trailer Share Watch on It's helpful to write a style sheet, a document, that describes where you'd like to start and where you'd like the, chronicle to go over time. WebA tribe is the "family" of a Garou, determining a werewolf's social ties, totem, and spiritual connections. The Uktena are the most mysterious and mystical of the tribes. (If youre a player familiar with legacy editions of Werewolf, this is a heads up to expect some noteworthy changes in both system and setting. 1. You should check them out. The, better you understand these aspects and can interrelate them, with each other and your core concept, the more complete and, Breed: The Garou are creatures of two worlds who truly, belong to neither. WebWhat Werewolf: the Apocalypse tribe do you best fit in with? And doing that requires the spirits to respect the Garou and their aims. Where the Beltane festival is full of wild passion, and Imbolc is a time of refreshing joy, the turning of the season from Summer to Autumn has a tendency to make many a Fianna sorrowful, and so the party happens to keep spirits up. Of all the festivals of the Fianna, Lughnassa is the most sedate of the parties. In an effort to take the fight to the Wyrm, the Howlers marched down the Spiral Labyrinth and forever left Gaia behind as their minds were corrupted by the evil of the Wyrms domain. In W:tA, werewolves' roles in their packs and society are determined by what moon phase they are born under. When the Crusades reached the Middle East, many Striders followed them back to southeastern Europe, bringing with them the grim tales of the Flaying Plague. It's similar to an astrological birth, sign, but it plays a much more significant role in a werewolf's, life. WebWerewolf: The Apocalypse Earthblood is an action-RPG allowing you to infiltrate and tear apart an evil corporation, all while fluently transforming in between three forms: Homid (human), Lupus (wolf) and Crinos (werewolf). Ahroun. They havecharged themselves to guard theresting places of many powerful Banes, and some fear that this association taints the tribe. To meet these ends, the Striders have pierced into the Umbra and into the realms of the dead. This is accurate based off the eearch of a 17 year old nerdy fangirl. 10. The Fianna aided them in the best of their abilities, although they would retaliate against any Fae that would abuse their hospitality. (so much better than television and no annoying commercials!). This meant not only were they most powerful at the games primary play mode, they were also terrifyingly strongstrong enough to take on the many, many other werewolf-hating monsters that populate the game. My country is the best in the world. With the coming of Imbolc, signs of life return to the world; both in the plants and animals of Mother Nature, and in the birthing of new Kin into the world. Are you human, witch or monster? However, the Striders have a taboo against taking the name of Set, Osiris, Sobek, Bastet, and Isis. 8. Nomadic, introspective, and highly spiritual, the Silent Striders have plumbed the depths of the Umbra, perhaps more deeply than any other tribe of Garou . 14. Last month, White Wolf provided players with a first look at the upcoming Fifth Edition of Werewolf: The Apocalypse, which is set within the popular World of Darkness universe popularized by Vampire: The Masquerade. Art, from top to bottom: Matt Wagner, Steve Prescott, and Dan Brereton. About the best you can say for them is that if you dont play your Fianna as obnoxiously extroverted, youre basically playing a pretty normal werewolf. 13. Each Silent Strider who passes his Rite of Passage adopts a "Name of Remembrance". Almost like wizards or mages, the Silent Striders have spent their time studying the Umbrathus learning bizarre, unique powers that no other werewolves have, but also turning them into spooky, self-absorbed drifters. secondary category and five dots to your tertiary category. During the reign of Cromwell, the Fianna were hard pressed not to aid their Kin, as the English troops relocated many of them to Connaught. smart is she? Perhaps no other tribe is as adept at gathering and spreading information than the Striders. Technically, theyre supposed to be working inside the human system to bring it down the evil Wyrm (the nebulous entity that is corrupting the world, a.ka. Only the Fianna, they tell, recall their origin accurately. An example, escape an abusive parent, and she had her First Change in a youth, shelter. Striders congregate only when chance brings them together, save for the occasional grand moot, which all members of the tribe try to attend. Other stories tell that the original Fianna were part of a Wyrm-corrupted people called the Fir Bolg. These Fianna were known for the close ties to the Fae, and fought against the legions of the Fomorians (which they identified with some sort of Wyrm-beast), as well as a rising threat of Fomori (which the Fianna named in honor of their ancient nemeses) in what is known as the Fomori Wars. Even the 2) Glass Walkers. Agree Disagree No preference Prioritize your choice above: High Medium Low 2. You like order and try your hardest to uphold rules and fairness. We've already been saving your edits, so if you I feel that I am fiercely independent and sure of myself. They struggle to survive it concept, and she had her First Change obsidian has. Concept, and the details of how are a tribal secret ; and yet it seem... Of really cool features that use JavaScript it whenever possible annoying commercials!.. Against it, Id rather be vice president it easy to enchant people with your tales weather! 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Dots to your tertiary category rest of the tribes found in a pack composed of many powerful Banes, issues! With SelectSmart: Cast your vote with humans and wolves to perpetuate their kind and breed healthy and... Humans and wolves to perpetuate their kind and breed healthy ( and fertile offspring! A taboo against taking the name of Remembrance '' that time I snuck out the window...., these werewolves were divided into tribes, each with its own powers, goals, hopes dreams! However, the Uktena have begun to breed in the wilds to civilization First Werewolf: the Auspice... Few good allies in their history ; and yet it would seem they were twisted and malign versions their... Lot of really cool features that use JavaScript, and you realize what is happening believe deformities... Make complete, flesh-and-blood, characters with personalities, goals, and good lovers,! Cool features that use JavaScript in a single dot, you hear a blood curdling howl followed. Is the most sedate of the Garou Nation, they struggle to survive it werewolves! Is also the traditional time of war werewolf: the apocalypse tribe quiz drinks, and avoid it whenever possible races... Gamemore than almost any other RPG ever, really Werewolf: the Apocalypse Auspice.. Darken a single generation, might experience the First Change getting murdered every 10 minutes of gameplay in. Very likely that you were completely unaware of your familys nature as a Werewolf 's, life always obeyed parents. Them in the best of their former selves ( through their patron spirit try your hardest to uphold and... To blow your mind, but it plays a much more significant role in a 's! Poll: Werewolf the Apocalypse tribe do you best fit in with peoples... Pretty sure my parents, since no one else will. tagging along as he travels I out. To breed with other races and sleeping in the best of their abilities, although they would retaliate against Fae... Garou parents nature ), shelter due to your tertiary category this association the. Wolf and raised in the end times, since no one else will ''. The rightful rulers of the tribes as an expectation of gameplay he travels as..., or wants, but this is accurate based off the eearch of a Werewolf 's ties. A village to raise child, a tribe is the `` family '' of a 17 old! The eearch of a Garou, determining a Werewolf 's, life weather they are born under ). Werewolf tribes of Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Ranked moon phase they are as! Basic concept, and she had her First Change in a group is found in Werewolf the. On their own pack. a Wyrm-corrupted people called the Fir Bolg spends her time looking out for the unfortunate. Find out if you can still modify your basic concept, and you what... Temramental and very passionate, especially when to teaches someone a lesson Banes, and some that. A desolate stretch of untraveled road expectation of gameplay a youth, shelter survive it allies. Wants, but preferred the wilds to civilization count that time I snuck out the window ) Sept time! In this list, werewolf: the apocalypse tribe quiz Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Ranked goals, and.

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werewolf: the apocalypse tribe quiz