how did william wirt winchester die

Being the Vice President, he had to take over. 7, 11, and 13). Has Sarah Winchesters work been fulfilled? Sarah adhered both to Bacons Kabbalistic theosophy and the theosophical perspective held by Rudolph Steiner (1861- 1925). 1 day agoWilliam J. Winchester (ca. Her brother-in-law was the president of Mills College, . With the exception of the inscriptions on the banners, the symbolic images in the left and right windows are exact mirrors of each other (similar to Bacons headpieces). As with all things in the House, there is more, here, than meets the eye. Additionally, Sarah cleverly provides subtle hints of Pans presence as we detect glimpses of his horns blending in with the Windows overall design. One of these concepts involves the labyrinthine aspect of the Houses design. One architectural device Sarah used to illustrate her view of the relationship between the numbers 11 and 56 is her arrangement of the decorative wooden posts that align the exterior railings of the two, third floor balconies above the front porch of the House. In another part of the House, the initiate comes to a landing connecting two staircases, each leading to different second story rooms. Furthermore, she began crafting her puzzle long before the construction of the House. At the outset of each Masonic Degree the initiate (Candidate) expresses his wish to receive Light. William Wirt Winchester died on 1881-03-07. This led to her having a sexual relationship with him. Mrs. Winchesters application of the latest technological innovations in her mansion, demonstrate both her scientific background and her passion for keeping up with new discoveries. Having received more than twenty million dollars in inheritance, Winchester convinces herself she is cursed by the ghosts of those who died at the . Because the number 16 simplifies to 7, we may view these three concentric rings as 777 (instead of 16 16 16). Sarah = 5, Pardee = 6. Ralph Rambo, Lady of Mystery, published by THE PRESS, San Jose, California, 1967. From the beginning of civilization, the geometric value of Phi (and the number 13 in particular) has been used as the basis for all great architectural endeavors. William Wirt Winchester/Age at death. Since we havent yet evolved into beings capable of higher dimensional perception, we are forced to understand the dynamics of higher dimensions through the precise language of numbers. Escher also saw the reflective images in mirrors as true representations of higher dimensional space. Moreover, Riemanns new view predicted the existence of a forth spatial dimension. Son of Oliver Winchester, 52nd Lt. Gov. The three symmetric triplets of 777, 111, and 444 are actually higher dimensional expressions of 7, 11, and 13. Artists and intellectuals began to express their views of how the dynamics of higher dimensional space might work. Escher wrote: The spherical world cannot exist without the emptiness around it, not only, because inside presumes outside but also because in the nothing lie the, strict, geometrically determined, immaterial middle points of arcsThere is, something in such laws that takes the breath away. At the time of Sarahs birth, the Pardees were a respectable, upper middle class New Haven family. The room measures 11 ft. x 11 ft. x 11 ft. Thus his career in politics began. Sarah Lockwood (Pardee) Winchester of San Jose, Santa Clara County, California United States was born in 1839 in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut. His father was the founder of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company and William, as his only son, would inherit it once he passed away. The obvious answer is 4. Upon closer examination of the Windows, we notice that each has three partitions. This is critical to understanding both Sarahs motivation and thinking. So, we now multiply 52 x 777, resulting in 40404, i.e. Thus, Young Sarah and William found themselves studying virtually the same curriculum under very similar circumstances. To the untrained eye, the beam has the appearance of just another piece of wood. The work only stopped on September 5, 1922, because the octogenarian mastermind behind the home died of heart failure in her sleep. We recall that the outer boundary of the Spider-web window has four sides, or a value of 4. As for Sarah, she was safe but stuck in the Daisy Bedroom, named for the floral motif in its windows. So naturally the initiates journey begins at the front wrought iron gates. It is highly probable that Mrs. Winchester found the symbol too risqu for her usethus, she devised a new symbol representing Tubal-Cain in the form of the Letter C with two balls. Geni requires JavaScript! Riemannian geometry, along with the mathematical equations of William Thompson and William Rowan Hamilton conclusively demonstrated the existence of higher dimensions. Some say the labyrinth layout was meant to confuse the ghosts, allowing Sarah some peace and a means to escape them. And finally, if Mrs. Winchester truly believed she was cursed by the Winchester fortune, why would she exacerbate the matter by continuing to own vast shares of stock in the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, then, later acquire still greater controlling shares that she maintained and profited from for the rest of her life? He had two sisters, Ann Rebecca Winchester and Hannah Jane. We are indebted to William Rowan Hamiltons development of Quaternions for laying down the dynamic principle governing the spider-webs intricate workings. But, where are we to find it? Originally, Sarahs Sanctum Sanctorum was painted entirely blue. So, to be on the safe side, well just call this myth and move on. In 1906, the great San Francisco Earthquake caused three floors of the then seven-story house to cave in. Naturally, Sarah was in good company with regard to expressing the new view. Moreover, the name Winchester appears precisely 27 times in the Shakespearean works. Notice the Masonic metaphor of the number 33 enclosed within the number 11, as it is flanked by the twin, Masonic pillars, i.e. Stop and you will die.". Francis Bacon and Sarah Winchester both understood that the only way to reveal all that nature conceals is through the transcendental science of numbers. Inspired by actual events are the first words audiences see in Winchester, which opened in theaters Friday, and thats the most dangerous phrase in any filmmakers arsenal. German mathematician Georg Bernhard Reimann (1826-1866) realized that the forces of nature might be nothing more than a manifestation of the geometry of space. 52 x 88). First, like Bacons play on the letters L, L, L in Loves Labours Lost11, 11, 11 combined, becomes the number 33. Hint And thats definitely true. Born around 1840, Sarah Winchester grew up in a world of privilege. Bacons legacy seems to be intricately entangled with Sarahs destiny, as demonstrated in the cryptic Winchester goose message contained in the last sentence of Troilus and Cressida. Note the number 13 occupies the eighth ordinal position in the sequence. The home boasts 950 doors, 10,000 windows, 40 stairways, 52 skylights, 47 fireplaces, sixkitchens, plus a trio of elevators, and once-groundbreaking elements like wool insulation, carbide gaslights, electricity, and an indoor shower, complete with a sewage drainage system. Upon her arrival in California, Sarah began holding her own sances every midnight so that she could receive the next days building instructions from the spirits. The simplest mathematical expression of cubical symmetry is 111111, which Sarah hoped we would discover by simply multiplying the number 11 x 777 x 13. They are carved into wood fixturesthey appear in most of the stained glass windows. It marked both the death of his front man Will Shaksper, and the birth of his new, secret society of Speculative Freemasonryand this was the year in which Bacon wrote and published his third and final Rosicrucian Manifesto The Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz. Unquestionably, she is talking to us in a numbered code. Thats what were dealing with when we try to imagine the properties of higher dimensional space. Now, lets go to a higher level using the 777 symmetric triplet. We are forced to ask if Sarah wants us to view these as two, separate 7s or as the number 77 ? They are placed in the houses grand ballroom and the inscriptions are lines from Shakespeares Troilus and Cresida and Richard II. Why those words? Sarah knew that most people would simply shrug their shoulders and walk away. When movers were called in after her death, one lamented its labyrinthine design that includes many winding hallways. The answer is that without higher dimensional mathematics, such as the mathematical innovations of William Rowan Hamilton or Sophus Lie, many of the technologies we take for granted from computers, cell phones, to landing robotic space craft on Mars, etc., wouldnt be possible. The features Sarah and Escher show us are only glimpses of higher dimensional shadows. Escher. In one simple lesson, Sarah has skillfully introduced the initiate to the rudiments of her number system. Once the folklore is set aside the bare bones of Sarahs mystery are more easy to examine. However, their Halloween flashlight tours, along with booklets, postcards, coffee mugs and other sundry items being sold in the WMH souvenir shop displaying the title The Mansion Designed By Spirits only enhances the Folklore version of Sarah Winchesters life. Moreover, the name Annie Pardee corresponds with the number 56 in the Pythagorean Cipher. Later his son George C. Pardee followed in his fathers footsteps rising to the office of Governor of California (1903- 1907. We notice that a tiny ball is tightly tucked into the crook of each of Pans staves. As we shall see, Sarah provided numerous coded messages to confirm her connection with Bacon. Sarah Winchester packed her belongings and settled in San Jose. For this reason, the Mayans and the Chinese had 13 month calendars. Miss Manners: I shouldn't call because the phone scares people? To begin, there was Yale University (originally known as Yale College). She inherited a whopping $20 million, equivalent to over $500 million in 2019 dollars. Later, when the English Alphabet expanded to twenty six letters, the Pythagorean (1 through 9) Table became the paradigm used by modern numerologists. She collapsed onto the bear skin rug, gasping for air. This crucial dynamic of String Theory known as the Modular Function was discovered by another of Sarahs contemporaries, the mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan (1887-1920). Taylor Root (one of Sarahs instructors) and Henry E. Pardee who was another of Sarahs cousins. Thus, the solution to Ralph Rambos question (Why? He struggled and struggled to free Mrs. Winchester. But this facsimile of the 24 inch gauge is made to scale, spanning a length of approximately 16 ft. Coons further instructed Sarah that the angry spirits demanded that she move to California and build them a house. It is an imaginative narrative of Sarah Winchesters life with emphasis on the Mystery House. William Wirt Winchester was the treasurer of the Winchester Repeating Arms Company, a position he held until his death in 1881. Sarah Winchester was the wife of William Wirt Winchester. A new, simplified view of the universe had opened up in which unseen forces, from the structure of atoms to the dynamics of gravity were becoming better understood from the perspective of higher dimensional space. Dr. Carl Sagan explains the Fourth Dimension (VIDEO): Naturally, it has inspired a chilling horror movie, Winchester, which opens in theaters today. For some inexplicable reason, however, Mrs. Winchester took precautions in the building design so as to incorporate all of the strange features of the House to confuse the evil spirits. Moreover, she would ring her alarm bell every night at midnight to signal the spirits that it was sance time, and then again at 2:00 am, signaling the spirits that it was time to depart. He is best remembered for the manufacturing and marketing the Winchester repeating rifle, which gained the reputation as "the gun that won the West." He began his business career as a clothing manufacturer in New York City, New York and New Haven, Connecticut. How old was William Winchester when he died? Her husband's sudden death and the previous death of their child Annie have left her in grief. The point at the Channels, Calday Island divides the base 5 precisely into 2 and 3. She was the fifth of seven children born to Leonard Pardee and Sarah Burns. Furthermore, she is alluding to Bacons underlying philosophical premise as given in Proverb 25, i.e. Young John Winchester and his father Henry. Additionally, the staircase has 7 turns. It is extraordinary that Stone Age peoples, would be able to build such a sophisticated clock as Stonehenge is, and to locate, it at precisely 13 units from the Blue Stone origin in Wales . The connection is both uncanny and compelling. Since there are no true species of the daisy family having as few as 8 petals, it is apparent that Sarah uses the 8 petaled daisy as a device to emphasize the Fibonacci relationship between the numbers 13 and 8. This is the symbol for the masons. As we shall see in Sarahs Ballroom, sevens are displayed in a more profound way. On July 15, 1866, Sarah gave birth to their only child, Annie Pardee Winchester, but the baby died six weeks later of marasmus. Sure enough, 9 x 13 = 117 (Bacons code number for John Dee). But Sarah has introduced another clever design in the form of winding ribbons located in the upper center that take the shape of the letters W (at the top) and S (just beneath). Bacon fleur-de-lis windows with left and right number 3s facing each other, Bacons Double A Headpiece with fleur-de-lis design, and the letters C facing each other. Sarah knew that we would notice the outside perimeters of the web (unlike the webs we observe in nature) form a four-sided squareand she has purposely embedded four pieces of glass into the outer-most edge of each of the four sides, i.e. 27 rotates into 117 (John Dee), and, when reversed, it is 72 (Sarah Winchester) or 711. Now that weve had at look at the superficial significance of the Shakespearean windows, lets analyze the matter more deeply. Tuberculosis William Wirt Winchester/Cause of death William died in New Haven, Connecticut, on March 7, 1881, of tuberculosis. These staff-like branches with their distinct hooks are a direct allusion to Pans crooked staff that is also brandished (like Athenas spear) against the serpent of ignorance. 45), corresponds to the name Shakespeare. However, when John was four, his father disappeared. Moreover, she also knew this would be the initiates first trial or moment of truth. So, we are compelled to either walk away, or stand back and take a truly hard look at the matter. She was heir to half the Winchester Repeating Arms Co. following the death of her husband, William Wirt Winchester, in 1881. The answer, of course, is in The Numbers. The inheritor of the legacy would have a thorough understanding of The Numbersand, somewhere in the entire display of Sarahs numbers must reside a set of numbers that specifically reveal the inheritors identity both in name and date of birth. Therefore, like the folklore, the term mystery should be put aside and replaced with the more appropriate term puzzle. Like the Chartres Cathedral in France , or Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland , Sarahs architectural legacy is an artful puzzle. Well ahead of her time, Mrs. Winchester employed many high tech inventions of her day. The E stands for Exceptional, while the 8, of course, refers to the eighth ordinal point (occupied by the number 13) in the Fibonacci sequence. There are also doors that open to blank walls, and a dangerous door on the second floor that opens out into nothingsave for an alarming drop to the yard far below. If you want a less suspenseful but more accurate account of Sarah Winchesters life, read Captive of the Labyrinth by historian Mary Jo Ignoffo, who teaches at De Anza College. It is the lunar number because there are always 13 full moons in a year. The architecture as art legacy was first passed down by the Roman architect and philosopher Marcus Vitruvius Pollio. To this day, the 13 month calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian. Burial. The room is actually called the Sanctum. Freemasons refer to it as the Chamber of Reflection. The Sanctum is where Rosicrucians study, meditate and perform private ritual. What did Winchester die of? William was the son of Oliver Fisher Winchester who was Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut and manufacturer of the famous Winchester rifle. When I first walked the 7/11 staircase, and earned this insight about the number 13, I rushed back to the Ballroom. The importance of the Winchester algorithm is that it reveals hidden symmetries that would otherwise not be seen or understood. The House abounds in oddities and anomalous features. William followed in March of 1881, dying of tuberculosis. William Wirt Winchester was born June 22, 1837 in Baltimore, Baltimore County, Maryland, United States, the son of Oliver F. Winchester and Jane E. (Hope) Winchester. We havent forgotten the Baconian stops Sarah has incorporated in the Shakespearean inscriptions. Its an immutable law. He sold the House to the people who, in 1933, preserved it as a living museumtoday, it is known as the Winchester Mystery House also known as California Historical Landmark #868. For all Masonic initiates (Candidates), these are the first features they will pass through when entering the Lodge room. In February 1923, five months after Winchesters death, the house was opened to the public, with Mayme Brown serving as the first tour guide. John also served as a temporary vessel for the Archangel Michael and a temporary vessel for the demon Azazel in said demons first true onscreen appearance. Unfortunately, due to an infantile decease known as Marasmus (a severe form of malnutrition due to the bodys inability to metabolize proteins), Annie died 40 days later. Additionally, Sarah Pardee and Williams sister Annie were classmates at the Young Ladies Collegiate Institute. The Winchester Mystery House is an unusual 19th-century mansion in San Jose, California, which contains numerous oddities including doors leading nowhere, 2-inch-high steps, windows overlooking other rooms, and an obsession with the number 13. Look at the picture above. However, she also keyed on the Master number 11, as it applies to her name. It was 1840 when William Wirt Winchester, a wealthy man whose immense fortune came from manufacturing firearms, married his fiance, Sarah Lockwood Pardee. Others speculate Sarah was coping with her grief with a flurry of activity, or that she was simply "crazy." And as we have seen he created a new branch of the Rosicrucian Order called Speculative Freemasonry., Bacons new, revolutionary innovations in the arts and sciences were built on the solid foundation of the ancient wisdom. As with the Templars, such knowledge was to be preserved and propagated through the tradition of the initiate.. Winchester, the widow of gun magnate William Wirt Winchester and heir to the Winchester rifle fortune, was trapped in the . Not only would we be able to walk over it, we would also be able to walk through and around it in ways we otherwise wouldnt imagine possible. Finally he died. In 1850, William was living with his parents and siblings in New Haven, Connecticut. She had been married to William Wirt Winchester, . It was exactly as Sarah had planned it. They read: BABY ANNE, SLW, and WWW. These three inscriptions add up in the Pythagorean Cipher to 52. The misinformation is further compounded by the Haunted House tour business thriving in San Jose as the commercial enterprise known as the Winchester Mystery House which profits by perpetuating the Folklore myth. These are good people who mean wellbut this is hardly the legacy Sarah wanted to leave to posterity. Furthermore, with regard to the two Shakespearean inscriptions, Sarah has deliberately omitted the first word in each 8 word line so as to leave only 7 words in each line. Then, the process of completing the four triangles renders four sets of the number 13, resulting in 52, which then simplifies to the number 7. However these stops are shaped like small arrowheads pointing to the partitions above. It is an interesting note that Escher felt a greater kinship with mathematicians than with other artists. This is equally true of the relationship between 777 and 161616. Courtesy of the History Museums of San Jose. Both Bacon and Sarah had to have been keenly aware of this. Sarah Pardee adopted all of Bacons encryption Tableshowever, the 1 through 9 Pythagorean Table was her primary cipher of choice. However, the four triangles are not complete unless their points merge, invisibly, into the circle. The labyrinth was usually an underground or enclosed maze-like structure consisting of dark, winding stairs and passageways. This was his first time running for office. Moreover, there is absolutely no factual basis to support the idea that Sarah ever used the so-called Sance Room for the purpose of conducting sances. Sarah and William were married on September 30, 1862, and had one child, Annie Pardee, who died about a month after birth in 1866. After Marys death John went to a psychic named Missouri Moseley. By passing through Sarahs gates, the initiate becomes his own guide and pursues the path of Self Initiation.. After his death, his wife, Sarah, became notable for building Llanada Villa, later known as Winchester Mystery House. The top and bottom panes properly rearranged showing Sarahs Tubal-Cain Symbols. There are literally miles of maze-like corridors and twisting hallways, some of which have dead endsforcing the traveler to turn around and back-up. The clear evidence ensconced in Sarahs ingenious design of her Shakespearean Windows indicates she understood (or, at the very least, interpreted) Bacons message to be a harbinger of her own existence by which she would carry on his legacy. Thus, Sarah emulates the dual allusion to the number 47 in the Masonic 3rd Degree lecture by displaying the number twice. Through the Looking Glass had many of the qualities that would eventually be understood as the hallmarks of Einsteins Theory of Relativity. Thus, the House has stood for decades waiting patiently for the inheritorthe enlightened initiate who is capable of completing the puzzle! And just to insure we would understand that the connection between the number 52 and the name Winchester are not accidental Sarah deliberately placed coded inscriptions on the three tombstones of the Winchester family plot. The funeral of, Conn., last night, aged years. Dear Abby: My wife said she doesn't like it, but it's part of my life, Harriette Cole: I don't want the neighbor's kids at my house, Ask Amy: I feel guilty for not speaking up about my co-worker's activities, Ask Amy: I'm your cabin housekeeper, and you apparently have no idea what I do. And, as we have seen, higher dimensional dynamics involve simple multiplication. She also slept in a different room every night as an extra measure to throw the spirits off her trail. Such a notion, as any practicing Rosicrucian knows, is utterly absurd. The reason for the north facing orientation of the window is that it leads to the immortal star Sirius. The couple had a daughter, but she died just weeks after her birth,. Quite remarkably, we have been dealing with Winchester numbers and higher dimensional symmetry from the standpoint of a two dimensional window. Additionally, she gravitated to Theosophy. She eventually recovered, but a little more than 10 years later, in 1881, tragedy struck again when William died of tuberculosis. Naturally, when Winchester numbers are applied in the algorithm, stunning symmetries are always generated. Artists such as Georges Braque, and Pablo Picasso were painting stunning images depicting a forth dimensional world view appropriately called cubism. However, no one was more in step with Sarah Winchesters perspective than the Dutch artist M.C. It is because Sarah wants us to form an image of the windows as a cube. Lets take it still higher by multiplying 12 by 7 squared (49). The reason we know that Sarah adopted Bacons numerological methodology stands on the concrete evidence she left behind as testimony to her thoughts and intentions. And, they arent just talking to ustheyre SCREAMING at us! [1] If Sarahs Spider-web is also a higher dimensional model for the structure of the universe, it is quite consistent with the fundamental workings of String Theory as 24 governs the precise number of ways the vibrating String can stretch, bend and contract. There is a staircase that leads nowhere, abruptly halting at the ceiling. She was certain that relocating was the only way to evade the spirits that plagued her. To form an idea of what that would entail, try thinking in reverse. It should not surprise us that Sarah chose to start the initiates journey of discovery with words from this particular play. Does it really matter who wrote Shakespeare? The novice student, called the initiate or candidate, was required to undergo a series of tests in order to prove that he was ready and worthy to advance to successively higher levels of learning. The deeper truth about Cressida is that she does whatever she must in order to surviveand Sarah, in her own way, saw herself as a survivor. The fact that Sarahs puzzle still stands, preserved as she left it, is a testament to her intent that someone would eventually arrive to pick up her torch. He called his invention Quaternions.. Therefore, in describing the dynamics of space, a new, higher dimensional model was required. However, both Richard and Sarah resolve to overcome their plight with the phrase: Yet, Ill hammert out. 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how did william wirt winchester die