before starting and after completing the internship at SISSA. 0464 808608 – 8610 – . Premiati oggi in Rettorato i tre vincitori del bando 2020: sono Giulia Dal Lago del Dipartimento di Economia e Management e Alberto Casciano e Lorenzo de Preto del Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze cognitive. Inviaci i tuoi messaggi e li pubblicheremo in maniera anonima! Spotted: UNITN Scienze Cognitive. EU students are eligible to apply for the Opera Universitaria scholarship and / or accommodation according to the deadlines set by the Opera Universitaria Call (usually published in June). The University of Trento and the International School for advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste offer a joint education program named Graduate Program in Cognitive Science. The UniTrento-SISSA Program Board will evaluate the student's request on the basis of supporting documents. The University of Trento (Italian: Università degli Studi di Trento) is an Italian university located in Trento and nearby Rovereto.It has been able to achieve considerable results in didactics, research, and international relations according to CENSIS and the Italian Ministry of Education.. Altre attività Main academic roles Corsi di inglese a.a. 2020/2021 (43 KB) Docenti tutor a.a. 2020/2021 (58 KB) Graduatorie Percorso Didattico d'Eccellenza - Psicologia a.a. 2020/2021 (131 KB) Graduatorie Percorso Didattico d'Eccellenza - Scienze e tecniche di psicologia cognitiva e Interfacce e tecnologie della comunicazione a.a. 2020/2021 (122 KB) Alumni: new web site. 4 marzo 2020 - evento rinviato. European Workshop on Cognitive Neuropsychology (19 th Meeting), Bressanone (Italy), 21-26/01/2001. Aula Magna – Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science – Palazzo Istruzione – corso Bettini, 84 – Rovereto Contacts Staff di Dipartimento – Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive tel. Candidates will be selected based on their curriculum vitae and studiorum, statement of purpose, references and interest / experience in research topics relevant for SISSA. Giulia Andrighetto (ISTC-CNR, Rome) – Administrator. All of the activities at SISSA are in English. UniTrento covers travel expenses and subsistence costs. Official UniTrento Website of the Master of Science in Data Science. Ammissioni. Cognitive and neurobiological models of lossy language comprehension (U. Hasson) Abstract and concrete concepts representation in the brain (C. Papagno) Language processing in deaf people with or without cochlear implant (F. Pavani) LEARNING AND MOTIVATION. Proclamazione dei Dottori di Ricerca Corso di dottorato in Scienze Cognitive - 32° ciclo Relatrice: Simona de Falco Coordinator of Doctoral course in Cognitive Science: Maria Paola Paladino. Both forms – preliminary form and completion certificate – must be submitted to the SISSA Secretariat resp. In both cases, students have right to free accommodation in Trento during the first year and a contribution to the accommodation expenses in Trieste during the second year. Save the date for the 2020 Meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group (EMPG 2020) 24 - 26 August 2020 Rovereto (TN) – Italy The aim of the 2020 Meeting of the European Mathematical Psychology Group (EMPG 2020) is to provide a unique forum for researchers from a range of perspectives who are interested in all aspects of Mathematical Psychology. +39 02503 111 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (7 th Meeting), Graduate Student Symposium, Washington DC (USA), 11-13/04/1999. Student must inform the MCS Secretariat at least 1 month in advance. 2020/2021, “Expecting to graduate” condition a.y. UniTrento will inform non-EU students regarding the enrollment procedures for international students. I'm a PhD student at "Clinical and Affective Neuroscience Lab", University of Trento (Italy). Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Department of Industrial engineering, Department of Industrial engineering and Computer science, Centre for integrative biology. Il Tutorato è un servizio finalizzato ad assistere gli studenti durante il percorso accademico, in modo da incentivare la partecipazione attiva alle attività formative, aumentare l’efficacia del processo formativo e mantenere la durata del corso di studi entro i termini previsti. Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society (7 th Meeting), Graduate Student Symposium, Washington DC (USA), 11-13/04/1999. and to the Five-year degree courses in Law - Spring session 2020… Find out more . 31 Marzo 2020 Cancer research, the guardian of the genome has a new ally A study by the University of Trento identified a protein that, like a switch, controls the onset of cell death processes in cancer cells, which are regulated by p53, the protein known as ‘the guardian of the genome’. It actively promotes education and research across interdisciplinary areas with members of the departments of Computer Science, Engineering, Economics, Sociology and Cognitive Sciences. Year of graduation: 24/03/2020. Palazzo Fedrigotti - corso Bettini 31, 38068 Rovereto (TN) Phone +39 0464 808615. Cognitive and neural mechanisms to cope with distraction (M. Turatto) Selected students are required to confirm acceptance of the UniTrento-SISSA fellowship within 1 week after receiving the offer notification. Students are required to arrive at SISSA at the beginning of October for the check-in activities. 0464 808705 Sono online le graduatorie per l'ammissione all'Università di Trento per l'anno accademico 2020/2021 per i corsi di studio dei seguenti Dipartimenti e Facoltà: Economia e Management Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale Lettere e Filosofia Giurisprudenza Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive Le graduatorie, con tutte le informazioni su immatricolazioni e scadenze, sono pubblicate sul sito Guidelines for Outgoing International Student Mobility During the 2020/2021 Academic Year ... mobility-ssh [at] University of Trento - Cited by 1,040 - Executive Functions - Meditation - Creativity - Stress management - Default-mode network La scadenza per l’invio delle candidature online per partecipare alla selezione è il 5 Censis 2019-2020: il corso di laurea in Scienze e Tecniche di Psicologia Cognitiva ai primi posti della classifica In questo corso di laurea si studiano la mente, la parte anatomo-funzionale del cervello, il comportamento umano e animale, attraverso una molteplicità di discipline, che vanno dalla psicologia alle neuroscienze, dalla statistica per l’analisi dei dati Sono online le date delle prove di ammissione all'Università di Trento per l’anno accademico 2020/2021 - sessione estiva. From 14 October the Alumni site will be offline and replaced by a temporary site. Stakeholders and any other interested party can reach the DataScience@UniTn team at 3 March 2020 - event postponed. By confirming your acceptance of the UniTrento-SISSA Program, you automatically renounce to the UniTrento scholarship, even if you have already been assigned to. In order to complete the UniTrento-SISSA program students have to earn 132 university credits. Andrea ha indicato 1 esperienza lavorativa sul suo profilo. 2020/2021, Standard enrolment in single classes a.y. Students have the opportunity to visit the labs, listen to PhD presentations, meet the faculty etc. valutazione comparativa a n. 1 posto di ricercatore senior - art. Job The Kraft Heinz Company. Admissions. Professore associato: Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive Corso Bettini, 31 - 38068 Rovereto tel. Computer-based assessment in neuropsychology: the case of contralesional space awareness Seminario DiPSCo If you are a person with a disability or with a diagnosis of Specific Learning Disorders (DSA) or Special Educational Needs (BES), you can ask to carry out the test in individualized ways as indicated in paragraph "Admission test" of the "Call for admission". Le prove di ammissione si svolgeranno tutte in modalità online, ad eccezione del corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina e Chirurgia che prevede una selezione tramite prova di ammissione in presenza. Le sessioni di prova finale, le modalità e le scadenze per l'iscrizione, il decreto di nomina della commissione e di convocazione dei candidati sono pubblicati alle pagine: Conseguimento titolo per i corsi di Laurea del Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive a.a. 2019/2020 La Biblioteca conserva il materiale documentario a supporto dell'attività didattica e di ricerca dei dipartimenti e centri che hanno sede a Rovereto, ovvero del Dipartimento di Psicologia e scienze cognitive, e del Centro interdipartimentale mente/cervello e del Corso Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna) – Treasurer. It can easily be reached via public transports, which connects the campus to downtown Trieste (at 4 km only). A variety of research groups are active in Neuroscience, spanning Cognitive Neuroscience, aimed at understanding how the brain produces behavior, and Neurobiology, investigating the molecular, cellular and integrative mechanisms at work in the nervous system. Chierchia, Gabriele (2013) Neuro-cognitive Mechanisms Mediating the Impact of Social Distance on Human Coordination. UNITrento-SISSA students have to choose a supervisor at UniTrento and a supervisor at SISSA. La Biblioteca di Scienze cognitive ha sede presso l'antica biblioteca civica "Girolamo Tartarotti" a Rovereto. Its purpose is to foster research and the training of young scientists at the graduate and post-graduate level. Once completed all courses at SISSA, students are required to fill out the transcript of records self-certification form with the performed activities and submit the undersigned document to the SISSA Secretariat. Students who benefits from the UniTrento-SISSA scholarship have right to free accommodation in Trento during the first year and a contribution to the accommodation expenses in Trieste during the second year. Degree courses and Five-year degree courses guides,, Admission to the Bachelor's degree courses in Psychology and Cognitive Science - summer session 2020/2021, Admission to the Bachelor's degree courses at Sociology and social research Dept., at Psychology and Cognitive Science Dept. In order to access laboratories at SISSA, students are required to undergo some health surveillance measures, including a medical visit. Students must satisfy the following criteria to be admitted to the second year of the Program: Failing to meet these criteria may result in the exclusion from the Program. Piazza Manifattura 1, edificio 14, 38068 Rovereto (TN) Students are required to submit the application for the Master’s defense according to the rules and deadlines described here.The SISSA supervisor can participate in the Graduation Committee in Trento, in presence or via Skype. When: From Monday 30th November to Monday 14th December 2020 Where: Online Talk offered through Zoom Platform Who: to undergraduate students of the programme in Science and Methods of Cognitive Psychology (STPC) to students of the Master’s degree in Psychology Neuroscience to students of the Master’s degree in Data Science to students of the Doctoral course in Cognitive Services The Library offers the following services: Access and borrowing Interlibrary loan and ILL/DD Reference Internet access Photocopy service Library instruction Services for users with special E’ stato pubblicato il bando per l’ammissione al Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Scienze Cognitive (Master in Cognitive Science) - Classe LM-55/Scienze Cognitive per l’anno accademico 2021/2022. Cirillo, Cristina (2019) Conditional Cash Transfers, Risk-coping Strategies and Aspirations: Impact Evaluations from Peru. Candidates are required to apply online for the Master’s course in Cognitive Science by the deadlines specified in the MCS Call for applications, stating their intention to participate in the UniTrento-SISSA Program and submitting an additional motivation letter specific for the Program. SISSA is a leading center for higher learning and research in Italy. Finding the way home, orienting into familiar and unfamiliar environments, computing our place and position with reference to internal and external cues are essential everyday tasks for animals. Marco Viola (University of Turin). For more information on the application and selection process please see the UniTrento-SISSA Program - Call for applications. Admitted students who succeed in fulfilling the requirements of the Program will obtain the official Italian degree Laurea Magistrale in Cognitive Science - Scienze Cognitive (classe LM-55 Scienze Cognitive) from UniTrento and the Diploma in Cognitive Science from SISSA. The Central University Library (BUC) holds collections related to the Departments of Economics and Management, of Sociology, of Law, of Arts and Humanities. A meeting for the presentation of the joint program will be held at the beginning of October. 24, co. 3, lett. Ci sono 50 posti disponibili, inclusi 25 posti riservati a studenti non-EU residenti all'estero. Visualizza il profilo di Andrea Bonassi su LinkedIn, la più grande comunità professionale al mondo. Sara DELLANTONIO, Professor (Assistant) of Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento (UNITN ... di Psicologia e scienze cognitive di questa Università a decorrere dal 1°novembre 2020. Il Dipartimento di Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive partecipa al Progetto Teco TEst sulle COmpetenze, proposto dall'ANVUR Call for Admission Laurea Magistrale Human-Computer Interaction - 21/22 Master di primo livello in Gestione delle Diversità: Inclusione ed … In order to receive a contribution to the accommodation expenses, students are required to hand in a copy of their housing contract to the SISSA Secretariat. Filippo Domaneschi (University of Genoa). Calendario sessioni di laurea e scadenze. College Academic Building in Rovereto, Trentino - Alto Adige Foursquare uses cookies to provide you with an optimal experience, to personalize ads that you may see, and to help advertisers measure the results of their ad campaigns. (2020-2022) Cristina Amoretti (University of Genoa) – President. Students are required to pay back the full amount of the economic benefits awarded, including the lodging expenses. Services The Library offers the following services: Access and borrowing Interlibrary loan and ILL/DD Reference Internet access Photocopy service Library instruction Services for users with special needs Access to the The Kraft Heinz Company. Admission. b), l. 240/2010 - settore concorsuale 01/b1 - dipartimento di psicologia e scienze cognitive Date of publication: 3 January, 2020 07/03/2020 - 12:00 to 08/05/2020 - 12:00 Sign up for the admission test online and pay the € 25.00 contribution. The SISSA campus is located in Opicina (Trieste), in Via Bonomea 265. Antonio Lieto (University of Turin) – Vice-president. 2019/2020, Moving to the Bachelor’s degree courses at Psychology and Cognitive Science Department - 2020/2021, Temporary suspension and interruption of studies, Academic credits transfer evaluation ("Abbreviazione di carriera"), Recognition of a non-Italian University degree, Medical assistance for students with permanent address outside Trento-Region (“studenti fuori sede”). Students are required to accept / refuse the Opera Universitaria scholarship according to the deadlines set in the respective Call. Rates available at, Accommodation: private with a contribution up to, Students have the opportunity to attend the. Candidates are required to apply online for the Master’s course in Cognitive Science by the deadlines specified in the MCS Call for applications, stating their intention to participate in the UniTrento-SISSA Program and submitting an additional motivation letter specific for the Program.. and to the Five-year degree courses in Law - Spring session 2020/2021, Enrollment to the Bachelor’s degree courses and Five year's Master courses of legal, economic and humanistic area - summer 2020/2021, Enrollment to the Bachelor’s degree courses and Five year's Master courses - spring 2020/2021, Enrolment renewal with total exemption for disability or “handicap status recognition” a.y. We are working on a new site. The winners of the UniTrento-SISSA fellowship will be contacted by the MCS secretariat in order to start the procedure for receiving the UniTrento-SISSA scholarship by the end of September. Students who have not applied / are not eligible for the Opera Universitaria scholarship have to notify the MCS secretariat by the end of September in order to start the procedure to receive the UniTrento-SISSA scholarship. Funded projects are listed here in chronological order: 2020 ModGeT - Modellare la geometria del pensiero Researcher: Roberto Bottini Program: MIUR - FARE Ricerca in Italia (framework per l’attrazione e il rafforzamento delle eccellenze per la ricerca in Italia) II edizione - 2018 Period: 01/10/2020 - 30/09/2025 NeuroMath - Acquisition of Mathematical Concepts in the Human 2020/2021, Call for Applications – Graduate Program Cognitive Science UniTrento-International School for Advanced Studies Academic Year 2021/2022,, Transcript of Records Self Certification Form, Accommodation: free at Opera Universitaria residencies. 2020/2021, Enrolment renewal and payment of the tuition fee a.y. Maria Giovanna - Scianrais South tirol, Italy 2/12/99 Unitn - scienze cognitive STPC Twitch streamer Non-EU students are recommended to follow the instructions of the UniTrento Welcome Office regarding the visa application procedure and the application for the accommodation at the Opera Universitaria residences. 3 marzo 2020 - evento rinviato. All the exams and credits already acquired will be acknowledged towards the completion of the Curriculum to obtain the Master’s degree in Cognitive Science from UniTrento. A visit at SISSA takes place in June. The refund of the economic benefits is not due in case of justified reasons for the withdrawal (like illness, etc.). Students have to provide the required information to the SISSA Secretariat at the beginning of September.
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