20^ tappa giro d'italia 2020

8 Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Hansgrohe 0:08:05 #GiroThis is what’s coming up on the penultimate @giroditalia stage. Astana have missed the move and are leading the chase, which simply takes the pressure off the other GC teams. That would be something special as we see Dane sit third in line. Queste le parole del c.t. Queste le parole di Matteo Fabbro (Bora - Hansgrohe) prima della partenza. Altro scatto dell'australiano della Sunweb, risponde il britannico. Jan Tratnik ha conquistato dopo una lunga fuga la 16^ tappa del Giro d'Italia, da Udine a San Daniele del Friuli di 229 km. The day that will decide the outcome of the 2020 Giro d'Italia. Terzo Dennis. 7 Pello Bilbao (Spa) Bahrain McLaren 3 Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team Sunweb 0:01:32 Partenza da Feltre e breve tratto di avvicinamento alle montagne che cominciano a Arsiè con la salita … Hindley goes again, that's four but it's not as powerful. Yesterday the Italian told reporters that 'someone would pay' for what happened on stage 19. Conci is leading the chase right now with about 13 riders still in the main break, and the peloton at 3'54 with 44km to go. Si scalano il Col de Vars (19 km), il Col de la Bonette (22 km), il Colle della Lombarda (20 km) e i 2.3 km che portano al Santuario di Sant’Anna. The Dane is in sixth but could move ahead of Almeida by the end of the day if the QuickStep rider cracks early on. And Ganna hits the front now with 35km to go. 16:06. Bath The first 107km of the stage are relatively flat but then we start the long road uphill to the base of the first ascent. Puccio has now peeled off. Almeida is with Kelderman and Bilbao but already Kelderman is losing pink. (First TT), "We were here for Geraint, that's pretty well documented. It’s just that we are short, together in GC. Alleati insperati per Kelderman. The gap is about 5 seconds for now. 6.6km to go as Dennis moves back to the front. Just behind them we have all of Sunweb. e Iscrizione al Registro delle Imprese di Milano n.12086540155. The Ineos rider gets on the radio. The road starts to kick up now with some pitches at 9 per cent. Cyclingnews is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The gap is down to 5'56 with 76km to go. I'm really happy. The bunch line out due to the pressure from Astana but the pace is steady rather than lightening quick and we 104km to go, with the gap is at 7'09. Als een resultaat hiervan is de Ronde van Italie uitgesteld tot oktober 2020. The Dennis group has picked up two riders from AG2R and Matt Holmes but none of those riders will work. In testa al gruppo a tirare fanno il ritmo l'Astana di Jakob Fuglsang e la Bahrain-McLaren di Pello Bilbao, entrambi possibili protagonisti sulle salite di oggi. Discesa fino a Cesana Torinese per risalire a Sestriere attraverso Sauze di Cesana. Ora la Ineos Grenadiers in testa al gruppo della Maglia rosa. Almeida comes over the line and is closer to the podium with Kelderman finishing at 1'36. Sei in Home / Idee di viaggio / Sport e benessere / Giro d'Italia 2020 / Tappa 20 - Alba - Sestriere. Geoghegan Hart e Hindley hanno ora 1'40" di vantaggio su Kelderman. Storico a Sestriere: vince Hart, Hindley maglia rosa. Earlier in the stage we saw Ganna and Denz marking each other and both riders will be important today because the longer they last the deeper the rest of the Ineos and Sunweb climbers can go into the stage. We'll see what happens tomorrow, we'll give everything and what will be will be. The  increase in pace from Astana has cut 30 seconds off the break's lead. Sarà volata tra i due rivali di classifica! Giro d'Italia 2020 20. Geoffrey Bouchard (AG2R La Mondiale), Andrea Vendrame (AG2R La Mondiale) Jan Tratnik (Bahrain McLaren), Filippo Fiorelli (Bardiani), Kamil Malecki (CCC), Elia Viviani (Cofidis), Davide Ballerini (QuickStep), Mikkel Frølich Honore (QuickStep), Pieter Serry (QuickStep), Tanel Kangert (EF Pro Cycling), Arnaud Demare (Groupama-FDJ), Simon Guglielmi (Groupama FDJ), Davide Cimolai (Israel Start-Up Nation), Matthew Holmes (Lotto-Soudal) Einer Augusto Rubio Reyes (Movistar), Davide Villella (Movistar), Amanuel Gebreigzabhier  (NTT), Matteo Sobrero (NTT), Julien Bernard (Trek Segafredo), Nicola Conci (Trek Segafredo) and Brandon McNulty (UAE Team Emirates). 6 Jakob Fuglsang (Den) Astana Pro Team 0:03:59 Dopo una fase di avvicinamento da Alba fino a Pinerolo inizia la lunghissima salita pedalabile per il primo passaggio a Sestriere (Gpm di seconda categoria, non si passa sul traguardo). Rientra uno splendido Dennis sui due, e tiene alto il ritmo. Future Publishing Limited Quay House, The Ambury, Iniziata l'ultima scalata al Sestriere. Questi i 21 battistrada: Davide Ballerini, il danese Mikkel Honoré e il belga Pieter Serry (Deceuninck-Quick-Step), Andrea Vendrame e il francese Geoffrey Bouchard (Ag2r La Mondiale), lo sloveno Jan Tratnik (Bahrain-Merida), Filippo Fiorelli (Bardiani-CSF-Faizanè), il polacco Kamil Malecki (CCC), Elia Viviani (Cofidis), l'estone Tanel Kangert (EF), il francese Arnaud Démare e il connazionale Simon Guglielmi (Groupama-FDJ), Davide Cimolai (Israel Start-Up Nation), il britannico Matthew Holmes (Lotto Soudal), lo statunitense Brandon McNulty (UAE-Emirates), Davide Villella e il colombiano Einer Augusto Rubio (Movistar), l'eritreo Amanuel Gebreigzabhier, Matteo Sobrero (NTT), il francese Julien Bernard e Nicola Conci (Trek-Segafredo). We're about 8km from the official start of the climb to Sestriere. 96km to go and although we're not close to the first ascent to Sestriere the road gradually starts to climb from here. He has come undone in the last week of racing but at 22 has a great future ahead of him. Sono rientrati Démare, Viviani e Cimolai. 1 Wilco Kelderman (Ned) Team Sunweb 80:29:19 Nibali is hanging onto the Kelderman, Bilbao and Almeida group. Il francese è ormai sicuro di restare leader della classifica a punti fino al termine del Giro. 2 Jai Hindley (Aus) Team Sunweb 0:0:12 Leggi su Sky Sport l'articolo Giro Italia 2020: a Geoghegan Hart la tappa di oggi, Hindley in maglia rosa. Is it going to be Fugslang who goes on a long-range attack because he only has a few teammates left? Hindley moves to the front with 500m to go. Sarà lui a partire per ultimo nella cronometro di Milano. A reminder of the riders in the break as we see Astana continue with two riders on the front of the peloton. Just a reminder of where things stand on GC: Hindley is in a really interesting position because if he doesn't wait for Kelderman then he has to drop Tao Geoghegan Hart. Sia il gruppo che i battistrada sono in salita, ma la prima ascesa al Sestriere inizierà a Pragelato, quando mancheranno circa 63 km al traguardo. 3 Rohan Dennis (Aus) Ineos Grenadiers 0:0:25. Tappa 20. Informativa Privacy redatta ai sensi del Regolamento UE 679/2016. Tappone dolomitico con 5 salite lunghe concatenate da brevi tratti più o meno pianeggianti. They might want to use Ganna on the run-in to the first climb and on the lower slopes. Siamo in discesa. 4 Pello Bilbao (Spa) Bahrain McLaren 0:01:19 I primi due sono a pari tempo in classifica, si attende la Giuria. Kelderman insegue a 1'50". La locomotiva australiana Rohan Dennis ha ripreso il gruppo di testa. All rights reserved. The break have found another 15 seconds on the peloton. Tra gli attaccanti il corridore messo meglio in classifica generale è lo statunitense Brandon McNulty, 14esimo a 33'12". We're close to the start of the stage here in Alba. How long can Ballerini last because right now he's holding the maglia rosa group at 4'07. Poi sarà la Ineos Grenadiers, già schierata, a prendere in mano le redini della corsa. Vi autorizzo alla comunicazione dei miei dati personali per comunicazione e marketing mediante posta, telefono, posta elettronica, sms, mms e sondaggi d’opinione ai partner terzi. Fiorelli has attacked from the break and should take the points at the top of the climb. Kelderman is at about 53 seconds with 12km to go. 9 Attila Valter (Hun) CCC Team 0:01:48 Wilco Kelderman (Sunweb) è primo in classifica generale con il suo compagno di squadra Jai Hindley a 12" e Tao Geoghegan Hart (Ineos) a 15". 69km to go and the leaders have 5'11 over the maglia rosa group. Gruppo Maglia rosa a 4'30", che ha riassorbito Arnaud Démare. I big misureranno le energie residue sulle salite della penultima frazione prima della cronometro conclusiva. We're down to about 45 riders in the maglia rosa group. I was focussed on the stage. That's a surprise to see Majka off the front at this point. Siamo in salita, lungo la prima scalata verso il Sestriere. It's Knox who has lifted the pace and Nibali has been dropped. Secondo Davide Ballerini (Deceuninck-Quick-Step), terzo il francese Geoffrey Bouchard (Ag2r La Mondiale). 5'54" il vantaggio della fuga quando mancano 78 km all'arrivo e la strada inizia a salire. Prima fiammata di Hindley, rispondono gli uomini Ineos. We've covered 67km of the stage so far and the sun is finally out. Kelderman could be a minute down by the time he comes over the summit. Completando la registrazione dichiaro di essere maggiorenne e di avere preso visione dell’Informativa Privacy redatta ai sensi del Regolamento UE 679/2016. In testa alla corsa rimangono in 18. Ballerini has the car with him so the lead is pulling out on the rest of the break as we start to climb. You can unsubscribe at any time. 4 GPM, tre di 1a categoria, più di 5000 metri di dislivello. At some point though Ineos are going to take this up and will start to increase the tempo. Serry e Ballerini hanno raggiunto Rubio. From broken bubbles to having helicopters flown at their heads, this has been a stressful race. Dennis lifts the pace but the Kelderman group has taken 14 seconds back, so are the leaders slowing? CF, Partita I.V.A. Ricordiamo i nomi dei 17 battistrada: Davide Ballerini, il danese Mikkel Honoré e il belga Pieter Serry (Deceuninck-Quick-Step), Andrea Vendrame e il francese Geoffrey Bouchard (Ag2r La Mondiale), lo sloveno Jan Tratnik (Bahrain-Merida), Filippo Fiorelli (Bardiani-CSF-Faizanè), il polacco Kamil Malecki (CCC), l'estone Tanel Kangert (EF), il francese Simon Guglielmi (Groupama-FDJ), il britannico Matthew Holmes (Lotto Soudal), lo statunitense Brandon McNulty (UAE-Emirates), Davide Villella e il colombiano Einer Augusto Rubio (Movistar), l'eritreo Amanuel Gebreigzabhier, il francese Julien Bernard e Nicola Conci (Trek-Segafredo). Anche nel gruppo Maglia rosa c'è stata una bella selezione. Astana have moved back to just two riders on the front of the main field as we see the gap drop to 6'03 with 80km to go. They're not traveling as fast at the moment. 3km from the summit of the first climb with the gap at 4'40. They don't have a Rohan Dennis though. 4 Joao Almeida (Por) Deceuninck-Quickstep 0:01:01 24km into the stage and we have a break and there are some interesting names in there. For more information about how to do this, and how we hold your data, please see our privacy policy. Sono a 1'30" dalla testa della corsa. Please refresh the page and try again. oppure accedi a Gazzetta usando il tuo profilo social: Vi autorizzo al trattamento dei miei dati per ricevere informazioni promozionali mediante posta, telefono, posta elettronica, sms, mms e sondaggi d’opinione da parte di RCS Mediagroup S.p.a. Vi autorizzo alla lettura dei miei dat idi navigazioneper effetuare attività di analisi e profilazione per migliorare l’offerta e i servizi del sito in linea con le mie preferenze e i miei interessi. Sono i superstiti della fuga di giornata. Davanti a tutti c'è il colombiano Augusto Rubio (Movistar), a 1'30" Hindley (Maglia rosa virtuale), Geoghegan Hart e uno strepitoso Dennis. 57km covered and the gap to the main field is holding at seven minutes. 6'58" il vantaggio dei 21 battistrada quando mancano 94 km all'arrivo. Click here for our main preview that looks ahead to the final weekend of action at the Giro d'Italia. Il primo a 40", l'altro a 55". Here's how the GC stands coming into the race. Ballerini took about 45 seconds on the maglia rosa group on that descent and the gap has gone out to 4'31. (On time trial) I don't know - I'm going to give it my best tomorrow and see how it goes. 71km to go as up front the break are close to the start of the first climb to Sestriere. Riscopri i personaggi e le tappe epiche della Corsa Rosa con le prime pagine storiche della Gazzetta dello Sport. Conci has moved off the front of the break and a few riders are trying to follow. 10 Rafal Majka (Pol) Bora-Hansgrohe 0:07:28. View full results of Stage 20 in Giro d'Italia 2020 from Alba to Sestriere over 190 kilometre. We're about 15 minutes from the start of stage 20. 1 Tao Geoghegan Hart (GBr) Ineos Grenadiers 4:52:45 Let's hear from the new race leader: Strada ampia e asciutta. Ballerini is off the descent, takes a left hand corner, before a short flat section and then the climb begins. E’ il giorno della diciannovesima tappa del Giro d’Italia 2020, la più lunga di questa edizione con i suoi 258 chilometri da Morbegno ad Asti.Una frazione sulla carta di trasferimento, quasi completamente pianeggiante: i velocisti rimasti in gruppo vorranno giocarsi la volata, con Arnaud Demare e Peter Sagan attesi protagonisti. Copyright 2020 © Tutti i diritti riservati. Alba, cittadina racchiusa tra le colline del Sud Piemonte, si tinge di rosa per la partenza della penultima, durissima tappa di montagna della 103ª edizione del Giro d’Italia. #BicyclesChangeLives#SportForGood pic.twitter.com/DDU3ZQKYM3October 24, 2020, Pre-stage interviews for our and jerseys at the #Giro pic.twitter.com/7orvmTGykoOctober 24, 2020, Kelderman has spoken to RAI this morning and this is what the Dutch rider has had to say: Geoghegan Hart has moved to the back of the trio for the first time. It's stage 20 and we climb to Sestiere three times during the stage after the route had to be altered earlier in the week. Panini per i big della classifica in zona mista, protagonisti la maglia rosa Wilco Kelderman e il suo compagno di squadra Jai Hindley (secondo in classifica generale a 12"). Kelderman paga 1'35". 3 Tao Geoghegan Hart (GBr) Ineos Grenadiers 0:0:15 Het peloton vertrekt deze dag vanaf Alba en de finish is in Sestriere. Ecco tutti i percorsi, tappa per tappa con altimetrie e planimetrie. Visit the official website of Giro d'Italia 2020 and discover all the latest updates and info on the route, stages, teams plus the latest news ... Tappa 20 . 8 Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Trek-Segafredo 0:05:47 He has 1'07 on the Dennis group. Tappa alpina con oltre 3500 metri di dislivello, 190 km. In terms of the break, this is the last chance for a number of teams to take a stage, so that will help Sunweb to some extent but there's also a couple of intermediate sprints in the stage too, one about 58km in and then the second one just before the final ascent. No confirmed results just yet but we're hearing that Hindley is in pink. Giro d'Italia 2020 - stage 21 (Cernusco sul Naviglio - Milan 15.7km ITT) LIVE STREAM: Sunday, 25 October, starts at 12:25pm Central Europe, 06:25am U.S. Eastern Good morning. I still feel really good, so I look forward to it.". 2 Jai Hindley (Aus) Team Sunweb 9 Fausto Masnada (Ita) Deceuninck-Quickstep 0:06:46 Kelderman a 1'. All of Bahrain McLaren are near the font with Bilbao nearly tucked in. I saw he wasn't looking super great the first time up the climb. Just 800m to go and they're riding next to each other. #GiroWhat a day for @MatteoSobrero as we start stage 20 of the @giroditalia in Alba, his hometown.We're as proud of you as your family are! Cerny vince la frazione delle polemiche. Serry has come back so we have four leaders again. This is bike racing, anything can happen. Bahrain have one rider up the road, which is a probably a smart move given the fact that Ineos are going to probably blow the race apart on the final set of climbs. 6 Jakob Fuglsang (Den) Astana Pro Team 0:06:32 Ballerini was second over the top, followed by Bouchard as further down the climb Ineos set the pace with Puccio leading Ganna. Giro d´Italia 2020 – Stage 20 preview ... Sunday’s 15km ITT to come, the focus will be on Geoghegan Hart. 24 ottobre 2020 (modifica il 24 ottobre 2020 | 22:15), Email non valida. Rubio is now leading the stage after passing Ballerini with 28km to go. Battistrada che si lanciano in discesa. I knew that he couldn't once he made his first attack." We've not seen Vegni yet this morning but he's around for sure. Si è spezzato in due il gruppo di inseguitori dietro Ballerini. 30km to go for Ballerini, who has five riders from the break chasing him at 48 seconds and now Ganna sits up. C'è grande curiosità intorno a Jai Hindley, secondo molti il più forte in salita. Fuglsang has dropped back to about 15th in the maglia rosa group. Up ahead and Serry has been dropped but the Kelderman group are at 1'09. La 20ma tappa del Giro d'Italia 2020, in programma sabato 24 ottobre, non si disputerà il percorso originariamente previsto. Cimolai, Sobrero e Viviani ripresi dal plotone dei big. Racing conditions, I have no fear of. Follow all the action from the final mountain stage, Riders voted via Telegram chat to force Giro d’Italia stage reduction, Vegni: 'Somebody will pay' for protest that shortened stage 19 of Giro d'Italia, How to watch the 2020 Giro d'Italia – TV, live stream from anywhere. He won't win the race but he's got that sort of attack in his locker, even if the legs aren't great. 3 Rohan Dennis (Aus) Ineos Grenadiers 0:0:25 7 Patrick Konrad (Aut) Bora-Hansgrohe 0:05:40 Il primo a transitare al Gpm è Rubio (Movistar), che ha staccato Ballerini. Frankly, you can see his argument but you can also understand why the riders have had enough. Puccio is still in the peloton, second wheel as he briefly gives Ganna a turn. Classifica Geoghegan Hart vince a Sestriere la 20^ tappa, lunga 190 km, partita da Alba. Ganna's work has shaved about 30 seconds off Ballerini's lead as we see Viviani and two more riders swept up by the peloton. Pedalata agile per Davide Ballerini. Kelderman, con Nibali e Bilbao, a 1'30". 57km to go and Ineos move up as they look to win the Giro d'Italia. Serry and Ballerini have caught Rubio with 11.5km to go but they only have 31 seconds on Dennis. Puccio brings back 15 seconds on the break almost right away but the biggest aim now is to put pressure on Kelderman. I try to hold it and get it to Milan. England and Wales company registration number 2008885. Il Giro d'Italia 2020 per la prima voltasi svolgerà in ottobre (3-25). 7 Vincenzo Nibali (Ita) Trek-Segafredo 0:07:46 It's been an incredible day, unbelievable scenery, beautiful weather what a stage from everyone. So this is it (probably). The Dennis train continues to cut through the remnants of the break with McNulty trying to hang on. Sembra che i big vogliano tenere la corsa chiusa. He came into the stage sitting tenth overall. Giro d'Italia, Kelderman: "Grati a Rcs, presa la decisione giusta", A esultare sul traguardo di Asti è stato Cerny, Clicca qui per scoprire tutte le classifiche del Giro d'Italia. 9 Fausto Masnada (Ita) Deceuninck-Quickstep 0:06:46 Knox della Deceuninck-QuicK-Step, compagno di Almeida, sta facendo un ritmo incredibile. © Si superano Colle dell'Agnello, Col d'Izoard, Monginevro e salita finale al … 1'10 now for Kelderman so if we didn't know it before, we do now. Hindley has a four second lead on Geoghegan Hart in GC as things stand but there are bonus seconds on the line too. 1 Tao Geoghegan Hart (GBr) Ineos Grenadiers 4:52:45 Discesa fino a Cesana Torinese per risalire a Sestriere attraverso Sauze di Cesana. La tappa. Hindley vince il t.v. Nuova discesa su Cesana Torinese per un secondo giro di circuito e arrivo in salita a Sestriere (ancora Gpm di prima categoria). Onto a flatter section of road before we reach the climb with the gap at 5'02 and 62km left to race. The peloton are at 4'26 with 35km to go. L'Astana di Fuglsang si è portata in testa al gruppo maglia rosa a tirare. Ineos continue to set the pace for the peloton,  which is now at 4'19 with 41km to go. Percorso, favoriti e orari tv Ultima frazione di montagna prima della cronometro di Milano Articolo Giro d'Italia 2020, tappa 19. It looks like Demare and Viviani are going to sprint it out for the intermediate points. I thought I could beat him in the sprint but he was too strong. Puccio davanti, dietro di lui Ganna. Demare has just been caught by the peloton. General classification It's still Ganna on the front with four more Ineos riders just behind him. This is a race between Hindley and Geoghegan Hart for the final maglia rosa. Puccio leads Ganna with 37km to go and the pace is about to be taken to another level. This is probably his final road race as a pro and he deserves credit for his career and what he's done to support riders. BA1 1UA. Hindley takes it, Geoghegan Hart second, and Dennis third and they've dropped the rest of the group. The flag has dropped and the stage has begun. La Maglia rosa Kelderman si stacca: è con Bilbao, Almeida e Pozzovivo. Geoghegan Hart secondo, prende 2". Kelderman perde 30" dai due Ineos e dal compagno di squadra. "There's still one more day to go. So Sunweb keep the jersey but Geoghegan Hart is second and on the same time. Back in the peloton and still no major acceleration from Ineos, with the last man standing from Astana on the front. The break should make it over the first ascent of the climb.

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